Dutch Passion StarRyder Grow Review

Dutch Passion StarRyder
Dutch Passion StarRyder has made an incredible impression with our customers since she was introduced. Many believe StarRyder to be the most potent of our auto’s and we get lots of great feedback on her.
From first-time growers to experienced auto-growers, everyone is pleased with the performance and all report generous harvests of hard, potent buds with great taste and a smooth super-strong high.

One of the StarRyders grown by Kush, lots of heavy blooms
Review from KushT
This weeks grow review came from Dutch Passion grower ‘KushT’, his original grow diary is courtesy of the Autoflower Network. KushT germinated 2 StarRyder seeds, he harvested them 84 days after germination and got 320g of dry bud from them.
KushT reckons only Think Different can compare in terms of the intensely potent buds. KushT is a grower that uses a wide array of nutrients to optimise his growing. He also grew a spectacular 300g AutoMazar using LED on a previous grow so he knows how to get the best from an auto.

Sticky StarRyder buds, and you get lots of them.
StarRyder is developing a reputation for being a ‘bullet-proof’ variety that delivers great results no matter how she is grown. If you have never grown your own pot before then StarRyder would be a great variety to start with.
If you have never grown an automatic variety before then we strongly recommend StarRyder. If you have grown auto’s and want to try one of the best then StarRyder comes with our highest recommendations! The words and pictures in this weeks blog come from KushT

StarRyder blooms are long, large and covered in trichome resin glands
Plagron light mix
“The two StarRyders were grown in 10L airpots in Plagron light mix. I used a HydroGrow 84×2 LED & Grow Northern MS006 LED. They were both harvested at 84 days old/12 weeks. The plants yielded 170g dry and 150g dry, a total of 320g or 11.5 ounces of top drawer stash”

“StarRyder was very easy to grow and gave me no problems at all apart from demanding plenty of food..”
“She is not a fussy eater at all. I was giving her EC’s of 2.3 & she showed no nutrient burn on her leaf tips. These girls can eat & drink! They showed female flowers after 3 weeks of growth”

The second StarRyder grown by Kush. Branches bow down at the end of flowering and will often need support
Really nice body stone
“The StarRyder high is initially just that, an excellent soaring sativa high with an almost immediate heightened perception to your surroundings. Visual and audio senses are tickled pleasantly. After the high comes the stone, an hour after vaporising StarRyder I find myself mellowed out on the recliner with a really nice body stone.
StarRyder along with Think Different are the two strongest auto I’ve ever smoked. Her taste is tropical fruit – Pineapple, Mango…and Lemon is in there as well but there is a definite underlying dankness to this weed. It’s very tasty. Again the tastiest auto ever smoked. I will say that her flowers are uber dense.
The most dense flowers I’ve ever held, never mind grown. Her calyx to leaf ratio is high so they do need support in late bloom. Apart from that it’s plain sailing. StarRyder is just that.. a proper star”.

Special customer favourite
Congratulations to KushT who now has plenty of StarRyder stored in jars to enjoy over the summer. Many people grow their own pot these days, if you have never tried it you will be surprised how easy it is to produce all the pot you need from a pack of seeds.
StarRyder is one of those special customer favourites that produces top quality cannabis however you grow it. Try some soon!
Dutch Joe
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