The 7 most treasured items of the home-grower

Competition at the end of the blog to win seeds

Over the years we get to speak to thousands of home growers from different countries.  In that time we have found these items are the most treasured by the home grower.  These are the items that the average self-sufficient grower would most like to keep safe.


Many cannabis lovers end up finding a particular ‘smoking’ implement and cherish it forever (or until it breaks).  For some smokers it is an ornately crafted glass pipe which becomes their smoking buddy.  For others it is a favourite bong.  Some people are satisfied simply with smoking joints, but even these folk will sometimes have a preferred brand of rolling papers.  For me personally it is my trusted vapouriser which I use 99% of the time, it allows my stash to last twice as long (compared to smoking joints) and my lungs have never felt as good. 

A quality seed collection

An experienced grower never wants to run low on seeds.  Most Dutch Passion customers tend to grow a couple of crops a year to keep them supplied with the weed they need for medical or recreational purposes.  So you might think that the average customer would have a relatively small seed collection of perhaps 10-20 seeds. In fact a lot of home growers have a LOT more seeds than that, often around a hundred seeds or more – enough for several years worth of growing. 

A good stash

This is an obvious ‘most treasured item’ for any grower.  The main goal of the typical home-grower is to make sure they don’t run out of weed before the next grow is harvested.  So the home grower is proud of their own stash of quality weed.  The experienced grower always has enough weed to get them through to the next harvest, with a sensible safety buffer.


After a few years of enjoying good quality marijuana many home-growers eventually decide to invest in a really good quality grinder to properly shred their weed.  Once you have a grinder it seems like the best way to prepare your weed for the bong/vapouriser or your joint.  But there are grinders and there are PRO-GRINDERS.  One item that we always get a lot of good feedback on is the professional quality Dutch Passion Pro-Grinder.  It is a full 55mm metal grinder (plastic ones are no comparison!) with the Dutch Passion logo laser-engraved on it.  We think it should be compulsory for all cannabis connoisseurs to own a top quality grinder.  You can get one of ours for just €22.50 !

Grow-room gadgets
All indoor growers take pride in their growroom.  But many growers have a special piece of equipment which they feel really makes the difference.  For some growers using HPS lights the high-performance parabolic reflectors are often highly prized, and very effective, items.  For some growers, the new high performance LED grow-lights are equally valuable.  Many growers have seen LED grow-lights achieve great results and want one themselves.  For some growers their pride and joy are the near-silent acoustic extraction fans which have eliminated any noise from their grow-room. These can be bought ‘off the shelf’ or they can be made by building a box for the extractor fan and encasing it in a polyurethane foam. 

Stealth growroom. 

Of course many people grow their cannabis plants in greenhouses or outdoors.  But those that grow indoors often spend many hours perfecting the layout and design of their growroom.  The indoor growroom is often a place where no-one visits other than the grower. Some growers take the protection of their growroom very seriously and go to extreme lengths to prevent anyone discovering it.  Sometimes entrances to growrooms are hidden under the floor, or behind shelves, paintings or cupboards.  A medical grower customer from California invested in a very high tech and cleverly designed door which was hidden behind a bookcase and operated electronically.  The project cost several thousand dollars and shortly after it was completed his city legalised medical grow operations so these costly stealth measures were unnecessary and were severely criticised by his wife.  In any event he is still extremely proud of his achievement and feels it was money well spent.  Likewise any grower that has planned and designed a secure and disguised growroom will tell you it was worth the effort and continues to be a source of pride and pleasure.

Well – that is 6 treasured items.  The question for you is what is the 7th most treasured item?  Fill in your answer with a brief reason in the comments section below.  Comments may take a few hours to be accepted and will not appear immediately.


The 3 best answers judged by the Dutch Passion Panel will win a genuine Dutch Passion Pro-Grinder, a 3-pack of AutoMazar and a 5-pack of Surprise mix.  Please note that we can only send seeds to European addresses and the competition is open for 7 days so please start thinking!The 3 best answers that win the prizes above:

Tappara on 06/07/2012
Adam on 11/07/2012
chapz on 06/07/2012

You will be contacted by e-mail for your address details.

We thank evrybody for participating!


Dutch Joe


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