Sugar Bomb Punch feminised seeds grow report

With THC levels around 25%, Sugar Bomb Punch is one of Dutch Passion’s strongest ever indica dominant hybrid strains. She is fast and easy to grow with generous yields. If you want an exceptionally powerful hybrid strain for your next grow you won’t get much better than some feminised seeds of Sugar Bomb Punch. Sugar Bomb Punch seeds are part of Dutch Passion’s USA Special Seed collection.

This weeks customer grow is 4x Sugar Bomb seeds in 25 litre AutoPot containers of coco fibre/light mix grow medium with 600W of LED in a 1m x 1m grow tent. Final yield was 438g of extremely strong dry buds. The grow details are below.

Basic grow information

Germination rate 100%, 7 feminised Sugar Bomb seeds all germinated 16-9-2019.
Germination details After 4 days the germinated seeds were transplanted into small 0.25 litre pots.
Vegetative growth (18/6 light) About 3 weeks in 0.25L pots and then about 5 additional weeks in 25 litre containers. 8 weeks in total, about 56 days.
Flowering under 12/12 light 9 – 10 weeks (63 – 70 days).
Stretch during flowering 125-150%, medium stretch.

Sugar Bomb Punch – THC Bomb X (Critical Orange Punch x Bubba Island Kush).

Sugar Bomb Punch grow detail

Type of grow room Growtent – Homebox Q100
Size of grow room 100 x 100cm
Number of plants 4 plants in total
Type / size of pots Autopot XL – 25L
Type of soil/medium Coco – Lightmix
Nutrients GHE General Organics
Grow technique(s) Coco / Autopot with SCROG under LED light
Avg. temperature 20-29ºC (min 19ºC, max 30.5ºC)
Average humidity 40-60% LV (min 35, max 70%)
Lighting eLumenLED (4x150w Adonis) = 600w
Light distance About 40-50cm to canopy

Important remarks

Sugar Bomb Punch seeds germination

Seed germination went pretty well, within 4 days 100% of the seeds germinated and formed decent size root-tips. The roots that were formed were about 3-6 cm.

The best 4 seedlings of Sugar Bomb Punch repotted in 25L Autopot XL.

Sugar Bomb Punch vegetative phase (18/6 light)

From 7 Sugar Bomb Punch feminised seeds 7 plants were produced. These were pre-grown in 0.25 litre plastic pots for about 3 weeks. Of the 7 seedlings, the best looking 4 were then repotted to the 25L Autopot XL containers in which they were grown for about another 5 weeks.

All the Sugar Bomb Punch plants showed a hybrid leaf structure, leaning to the Sativa side of the genes. During the vegetative growth of the 4 plants in the 25 litre AutoPots they already had a leaf structure that resembled more of a Sativa plant than a 50/50 hybrid. Every plant showed beautiful leaves. They were a bit thinner than expected but very distinctive. Some fan leaves had 11 blades on a leaf. Always a good sign.

Sugar Bomb Punch plants showed a hybrid leaf structure leaning to her sativa genes.

The Sugar Bomb Punch plants didn’t grow very fast during VEG, although looked very healthy with no sign of deficiencies or difficulties. Strong and sturdy stems accompanied by vigorous looking (fan) leaves makes this a beautiful plant to look at. The plants did not react badly to bending and scrogging and her sturdy stems will probably make her suitable for SOG type of growing style too. A good allrounder!

Sugar Bomb Punch bloom/flowering period (12/12 light)

Most phenotypes started budding quite quickly. Within 2 to 3 weeks of 12/12 light (12 hours of daily light with 12 hours of darkness) all the plants were developing buds and they quickly became filled with thick white pistils. Resin development also starts quite early, almost immediately on the onset of flowering. With such early, and abundant, resin formation you can understand that this will most likely become a very potent flower once it is time to harvest.

Plants show quite good/tight internodal stacking. Because of the thin leaves she is also very suitable for a SCROG type of grow. After 5 to 6 weeks the leafs are soaked in resin and she is very sticky. Not only the sugar leaves become coated in trichomes but the slightly larger leaves get a nice dense coating as well. One phenotype was a bit more leafy (with a lower calyx:leaf ratio) but these small leaves (sugar leaves) were also completely covered in sticky resin, not bad to make hash from.

Sugar Bomb Punch, Dutch Passion

One phenotype was a bit more leafy (with a lower calyx:leaf ratio).

Within 7.5 weeks the plants started to mature and approach fun ripeness. The plant at the back on the left side of the room had already become very compact and covered in bright, vivid orange pistils. This was the smallest plant but the quickest phenotype. The orange pistils is something that is common with all the other phenotypes as well and something that gives the buds of the plants a striking, vivid look. The other 3 female plants had more or less the same flowering time. The fastest phenotype could have been harvested at about 8.5 – 9 weeks and the slowest phenotype should have at least 10 weeks of 12/12 before being ready to chop.

The bud structure is more of a hybrid structure which is slightly prone to foxtailing, yet not fluffy. The buds become very hard and dense, this is quite special to witness. Before harvest, they had a special aroma, that smelled like sour fruit and yoghurt.

One phenotype had a cherry like aroma, others were more sweet and fruity with a creamy undertone.

Sugar Bomb Punch harvest report

Sugar Bomb Punch produced a total yield of about 438.5 g of dry buds.

Final height: Difficult to say because of the SCROG technique. In general the plants were compact to medium sized plants. They are fairly compact but still stretch a decent amount when the clock is switched to 12/12. They start budding quite fast, therefore we would recommend to extend the VEG period to make sure she becomes a bit bigger, ensuring higher yields.

Calyx-leaf ratio (Easy trim/yes or no): Buds are quite compact, although their hybrid bud structure may be a little more Sativa leaning (prone to foxtails). The calyx-to-leaf ratio is good, there are usually not a lot of leaves in the buds apart from one phenotype. This phenotype has small sugar leaves that are literally drenched in resin. Trimming is fast and joyful.

Quality (Resin/Smell/Compactness): Very potent looks, the buds are coated in thick resin layers. They have beautiful, bright orange pistils that are a striking contrast to the white resinous buds. All together this combines to produce a special overall bag appeal. When dried the buds have a dominant fruity and sweet aroma, mixed with some floral, creamy and berry hints.

Yield: Total dried yield was about 438.5 g of dry buds. The two biggest plants were #1 (133g) and phenotype #3 (125 g). The smallest plant (pheno #4) produced 62.2 g. The final plant, pheno #2 produced 118,3 g. Most of them yielded a lot more than 100 gr per plant, other than the smallest phenotype. The fastest plant, phenotype #2, was also one of the heavy yielders. Overall it was great to see this kind of heavy yields on such a potent strain, often the best quality harvests are not this generous.

Remarks after curing: After drying and curing for a week or 2, most phenotypes kept the same aroma as when just dried. Pheno #1 had a great floral/rose aroma. Pheno #2 had an aroma of yoghurt/milky/creamy with a fruity hint. Phenotype #3 was fruity/skunky/earthy, and pheno #4 was sweet/fruity/citrus.

Sugar Bomb Punch indica feminised strain ratings

Overall rating: 4.5 stars out of 5. Sugar Bomb Punch is top quality bud with a nice bag appeal. In a perfect world, if anything could be slightly further improved it would be only the aroma and taste. But both are already quite special!

Aroma ★★★★☆ (4 stars)
Taste ★★★★☆ (4 stars)
Effect ★★★★☆ (4.5 stars)
Bag appeal ★★★★☆ (4.5 stars)
Overall rating ★★★★☆ (4.5 stars)

Special remarks for growing Sugar Bomb Punch seeds

Because of the thin leaf structure, a lot of light shines through the canopy.

This could help achieve massive yields with the right preparation and growing technique. Sugar Bomb Punch seems to be a strong allrounder, suitable for many different grow techniques and systems. She would excel in a SCROG and/or LST, with a lot bending & supercropping.

Growing is pretty straightforward, however we would recommend extending her VEG period a bit because she can be slightly slow to grow during VEG. Her bag appeal and potency is the reason you should be growing her. She is definitely completely covered in sugar (trichomes)!

Her bag appeal and potency is the reason you should be growing her.

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