The best cannabis seeds can be expensive, so it pays to have a good germination method. Here are three different, but fully proven, methods which will give you consistently good germination rates (assuming the cannabis seed was of good quality of course). The three detailed marijuana seed germination guides detail the use of cotton pads and RootIt Cubes, as well as traditional soil germination of cannabis seeds. The seed germination guides are equally valid for feminised seeds, autoflower seeds, regular seeds, CBD seeds, outdoor cannabis seeds or any other type of cannabis seed.
The best ways to germinate cannabis seeds
How to germinate cannabis seeds in cotton pads?
Using the same make-up cotton pads available in any pharmacy or drug store you can germinate your cannabis seeds easily. The method shows how you can germinate marijuana seeds between two damp cotton pads and then leave these pads on a dish covered in transparent kitchen film.
How to germinate cannabis seeds in soil?
Many growers have used soil for years. Germinating your cannabis seeds in soil is easy enough with a few simple rules. The germination guide explains soil preparation. It explains how to place the seed in the soil and advises on watering, temperatures etc. If you want to germinate and grow your seeds in soil then this is the guide for you.
How to germinate cannabis seeds in RootIt Cubes?
RootIt Cubes, along with many similar germination cubes, all use a moisture retaining material to geminate your cannabis seeds. Often this is a synthetic brown foam polymer, but glass wool and coco fibre have been used. The guide explains how the germination cubes are prepared and kept moist, as well as showing how to place the cannabis seed inside. RootIt Cubes and similar products are widely available online and in grow shops, they are a convenient and easy way to germinate weed seeds. If you are planning to germinate your cannabis seeds with germination cubes then this guide is for you.
Important. Avoid pulling the seed casing away from the seedling (especially new growers), you can damage the seedling. Its always better to wait until the seed case dries out and falls off naturally. Ripping the seed casing away from the first set of baby leaves (cotyledon) too early damages the young seedling and can kill it.
Each grower will have their own preferred germination method, these methods are our suggestions based on many years of customer feedback from Dutch Passion customers. Good luck!

10 Comments. Leave new
How much water do seed need during the germination (in soil) And than in the growning time? Please help me!
A seed does not need any extra water as long as the soil you are germinating in is nice and moist.
You can spray your soil with a spray a couple of times if you feel it needs more moisture during germination.
During the growing period, it’s very dependent on your growing conditions, size of pot, temperature, size of the plant etc.
So we can’t give you a perfect answer to your question. Indoors you water the plants every day, with an amount that suits the period and conditions of that plant, at that time.
Dutch Passion
Thank you very very much…I hope I didn ‘t use a wrong mix of soil! I’ll tell you! Bye.
Nice and very informative blog, thank you so much for sharing this information with us.I always keen to read such a amazing post.
Well I’m about to start my 1st grow tomorrow and will be using the auto ultimate, I hope I get this right! Wish me luck as I think I’m going to need it
I wish you a lot of good luck with your grow! If you need help, let us know 🙂
Dutch Passion
Hi, i dont have microwave foil so instead i poked a couple of holes on the cling film. Is that okay?
Yes that’s definately okey to poke some holes in regular cling film 🙂
Dutch Passion
I use a good pinched chunk of rock wool.Use enough to hold moisture to geminate the seedlings. You can watch the process .
Unfortunately I read your amazing information too late and two days ago I planted my seeds in jiffies and I really think they are too wet. Can I still save my seeds ? Should I take them out and put it in soil? Should I press the jiffies on the sides to take the excessive water ? And how do I really know if they are too wet? Also should I kee them in the dark until they come out ?
Thank you in advance!