AutoDurban Poison, from seed to poison

AutoDurban Poison

AutoDurban Poison

Dutch Passion AutoDurban Poison is a variety which builds on the success of our original photoperiod Durban Poison which is still a best seller after 20+ years.

AutoDurban Poison is a sativa dominant auto which is ready to harvest 10-11 weeks after the seed germinates  This is a variety which starts with a creeping, thoughtful ‘up’ high. Then, before you know it, the effects of the sativa just get seem to build up and you realise how powerful this variety really is .  Time is difficult to keep track of, music quality is enhanced and life seems just beautiful. 

strong high but comfortable

It’s what our customers would call a ‘strong’ high but surprisingly comfortable at the same time. It’s just the kind of quality we look for when we bring out a new automatic variety. And like every other member of the Dutch Passion AutoFem collection, the genetics are designed to yield XXL harvests, as you will see in the pictures from the grow diary.

AutoDurban Poison

Above and below, AutoDurban Poison. This is one of our highest performance automatics with very heavy harvests of super strong cannabis.  Perfect for home growers!

AutoDurban Poison

Genetics from South Africa

Original Durban Poison is a highly rated Dutch Passion sativa-dominant photoperiod original from the 1980’s, famed for an energetic and potent hazy ‘up’ high. The genetics came to Dutch Passion from South Africa and are known for high resin production, good yields and potency levels which are quite special.

Original Durban Poison is also one of the favourite varieties for outdoor growers, with  consistent, robust and hardy genetics able to deliver outdoors even in Northern Europe.

With such a strong all-round genetic pedigree we wanted to introduce an AutoDurban Poison that lived up to the name, and we are particularly pleased with the result.  AutoDurban Poison is one of those varieties that gives us special pleasure since she builds on a top quality photoperiod classic and delivers an automatic version which is also a top performer.

AutoDurban Poison
Above and below, AutoDurban Poison just before harvest. Hints of blue and violet colours complement the frosty coating on the dense buds.
AutoDurban Poison

Comments from Tang

“Knowing the legendary status of the photoperiod Durban Poison I went into this grow very excited, I started 2 AutoDurban Poison seeds in 15L Airpots filled with Plagron Light soil in a 1.2m2 room, the lights were 2 Grownorthern MS0004s with 4 Rebel Modules in each, they are only 120w each but there incredibly bright. The Auto Durban Poisons shared the room with other plants until days 60.”

“Veg growth of the Auto Durbans was of similar speed to Dutch Passions other autos and they were into full bloom by day 40,they reached heights of around 80cm. Dutch Passion say these can veg up slower but I didn’t experience it with these phenotypes.

In bloom the two plants showed there different characteristics. I had one plant that was incredibly fasts,frosty and pungent and another that took 2 weeks longer had quite a mild aroma and not as much resin.”

AutoDurban Poison
AutoDurban Poison

Smell, taste and high is lovely

“The fastest of the 2 (also the biggest) took 74 days with the other taking 90,in hindsight I should have taken the smallest plant down a little earlier as I didn’t remove the decaying leaves and ended up with a bit bud rot. The appearance of the buds was similar in both plants,there very unique looking and look like twists of foxtails.”

“The smell,taste and high of this strain is quite lovely and it’s very difficult to keep my hands out of the jars. The buzz is clean and powerful and if you dab some hash of Auto Durban Poison its very easy to drift of into your inner consciousness. The smell and taste is pure old school class with hints of pine,liquorice,bubblegum,pepper and grapefruit,I’m enjoying this strain so much I’ve already started growing my next batch.”


High performance automatic

AutoDurban is another high-performance, heavy-yielding automatic from Dutch Passion.  What makes this one special is the combination of proven legendary genetics with Dutch Passion’s proven breeding recipe to create XXL yields. 

The modern autofem has made it easier than ever for the self-sufficient home grower to grow best-quality cannabis faster than ever.  If you are thinking of growing an auto then you will not find many better than AutoDurban Poison.

AutoDurban Poison

Dutch Joe

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3 Comments. Leave new

  • Too bad you discontinued Durban Poison Auto.
    I would like to experience this clean sativa high and the Durban Poison’s unique taste profile, yet I have no conditions to grow the regular photoperiod Durban Poison.
    Yes, there are still people willing to grow the classics.

  • Yaspar Kyashred
    31/08/2022 14:18

    I wish that this wonderful strain had not been discontinued. I hope to see it restored some day.


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