Amongst the best ways to germinate cannabis seeds, this soil germination method is a low risk, easy method that explains how to germinate your seeds in soil. Germination can take 3-10 days, depending on environmental conditions and variety. Never use soil from your backyard! It can contain pests and moulds that will damage or destroy your seeds, seedlings or plants.

How to germinate seeds in soil

Cannabis seedling thriving in clean soil

Step 1: Prepare your soil

Prepare your pots with clean fresh soil. It is often easy to use small pots for this, and transport them to a larger container later.

Step 2: Watering the soil

Make sure your soil is wet, but do not soak it. It needs to be damp but not soaked, otherwise you risk your seeds to rot. In most countries, normal tap water is clean enough to use. Do not add any additives to the water.

Step 3: Placing the seed inside the soil

Make a small dimple in the soil and place the seed 3-5mm deep inside the soil. Don’t bury your seed too deep! When you put your seed too deep inside the soil, it will struggle to reach the surface, and have a high risk of dying before it does.

Step 4: Cover the seed and press gently

Cover the seed with soil and press the soil gently.

Step 5: Cover the pots with kitchen foil

Cover your pot(s) with kitchen foil or microwave foil (with the small holes). The foil will act like a small greenhouse, keeping the inside of your pot warm and moist. Perfect for germination.

Step 6: Poke some holes

When you use normal kitchen foil, poke some holes through the foil. This will avoid the risk of overheating and let air flow true. Place your setup in a room with stable temperature. 20-25 degrees is ideal. We often advice your living room.

Step 7: Wait for germination

All you have to do now is wait. In our experience it often takes about 4-5 days for your seedlings to show. But to calculate for differences in conditions and seeds, we say 3-10 days is a safe estimate. As soon as your seedling has sprouted (first leaves reach the surface) you can remove the foil.

Step 8: Take care of your seedlings

All 5 seeds germinated in 4 days within 24 hours of each other. You can now place them under a grow light, behind your window or outside (during spring / summer of course).

Do not place this germination setup outside in direct sunlight, especially during summer. Day and night temperatures vary too much and sunlight will cause the temperature inside your soil to rise to a point where your seed will be damaged or killed by the heat.

22 Comments. Leave new

  • buongiorno dutch passion ho seguito il vostro tutorial e dopo 4 giorni la germinazione è avvenuta.una domanda vorrei fare,devo aspettare che si aprono i cotiledoni prima di rimuovere la pellicola o posso mettere il vas gia al sole anche se non sono aperti i cotiledoni???grazie e buona domenica

    • tutto ok germinazione perfeta!!!

    • When a seedling is in its first days its best to not place it in direct sunlight. This can be too much for a little seedling. When the seedling starts growing a little bit you can place it in direct sunlight 🙂


      • ok perfect I do this because I saw that it is the best method.I had put it in direct sunlight and it was dying, I managed to save it in time.I have one in germination and I will apply your advice.thank you very much Joe

  • Once the stem has come through the soil how long till you put it on a larger pot and up the tempreture

    • It depends a little bit on the pot size you started with.
      Additionally, if you grow an autoflower its best to germinate them in the pot they will also flower in. They don’t like to be transplanted a lot.
      If you grow feminised seeds than you can put them in a larger pot after 3/4 weeks.

      Dutch Passion

  • Heathcliff
    27/01/2021 23:15

    Hi, Joe answering?? I did an error putting seeds in soil not enough wet and under lamp … I choose Orange punch feminized and autoflowering…Is a good choice for me ad a beginner or could you give me best options? (Medium-high THC and quantity of final result) I also need some good ideas about the soil to use and the power of led lamps (I’ve buyed 2x100watt multiple ranges led lamp for plant grown for about 60cm x 40cm for 4/6 seeds). I have to do another order and I’m trying to do all well!!! Waiting hopefully for your answer, my best regards, thanks. Heathcliff

    • Hey Heathcliff,

      Critical Orange Punch is a good strain to start your growing career. Please try to follow the germination steps from this blog and you should be fine 🙂 Don’t start your light if the seeds have not germinated yet. For your soil I advice you to have a type of soil that has minimum nutrients because seedlings cannot handle too much nutrients, these should be added later :).

      Good luck!

      Dutch Passion

  • Heathcliff
    29/01/2021 02:19

    Thanks Joe!

  • Do I keep give the seedling small drops of water every 2 days? Or is this not needed?

    • The point is that the soil has all the moisture it needs, and so does the seed.

      The plastic cover makes sure the top soil does not dry out. So no you do not water during these days.

      Just let nature do it’s thing 🙂

      Dutch Passion

  • Hi can I put my seeds straight into soil and put my led light on them or do they not need light until they sprout

    • Hello,

      You can put your seeds directly in to the soil, but they do not need light before they sprout. After the seeds germinated you have to be very careful with light because the seedlings cannot handle much at this stage.

      Dutch Passion

  • I did something wrong I planted my seeds in 1\4 inch potting soil outside 2 days ago think I have a chance

    • Make sure to keep the soil a bit moist, and you should not put your fresh seedlings in direct sunlight!

      How is it going?

      Dutch Passion

  • Boobear Ellison
    30/05/2022 13:35

    I’m new to growing, planted 3 seeds directly into soil 2 days ago. Also today I started germinate another seed in a shot glass. It’s been 12hrs. Moving seed to paper towels.

  • Leaving them in a damp paper towel 2-5 days in dark cupboard seems to work wonders for me
    They shoot out about half inch long from the shell inside 5 days everytime I’ve germinated seeds .

    I’ve also tried the glass, water method took around 5-8 days but once transplant to soil, Coco, whatever your using I notice the seedling takes long also to sprout out into the open air
    But with the paper towel method I’ve seen mine sprout 🌱 same day as planted so the seed must be thriving then once hits your compost mix it must still have that energy and burst through whereas the glass, water method I’ve waited 4-5 days after pottin once germinated to sprout .
    Don’t worrie soons it has germinated you should be okay aslong as it’s not growing in cement 😂

  • Michael Caswell
    11/05/2023 09:02

    I am germinating seed in soil and I left them under lights I didn’t realise this was a mistake I have returned them to darkness will they still germinate or will they be ruined?

  • Hey just got one last seed, wish me luck, I’m confident I’ll pull it off with all your tips thanks I’ll let you know how it goes.

  • Potted directly into soil what next? Do I leave in darkness or 16-8

  • Any help would be greatly appreciated


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