Grow Auto Duck cannabis easily

 Grow Auto Duck cannabis

Dutch Passion Auto Duck perfect for easy urban cannabis growing

With modern, high quality autoflowering cannabis seeds its easy to grow cannabis at home in your garden. Especially to grow Auto Duck cannabis.

This weeks blog features ‘A1 Sativa’ who grew Dutch Passion Auto Duck hidden among the garden flowers on his northern European patio.  The grow diary is here on the popular and friendly Green Circle growers forum. 

Auto Duck is a special stealth cannabis variety with leaves that look different to normal cannabis.  Its also a low-aroma variety so you can safely grow it without your neighbours noticing the smell.  This weeks Auto Duck was grown with other ornamental garden flowers and shrubs, the Auto Duck blends in easily with the other plants. 

For anyone that wants to grow a couple of cannabis plants discreetly this weeks blog will provide some great inspiration.

 Grow Auto Duck cannabis
 Grow Auto Duck cannabis
 Grow Auto Duck cannabis

 Auto Duck High THC and easy to grow

Auto Duck has a stabilised natural leaf deformity. Without the iconic cannabis leaf shape this is a difficult variety to identify as cannabis.  Before the blooms are ripe, you could walk straight past this variety and not realise that it is cannabis.  This makes Auto Duck a popular variety with urban cannabis growers that want to grow a few cannabis plants without anyone realising. 

Auto Duck grows indoors or outdoors, and she delivers great results in greenhouses and polytunnels.  Indoors she grows under 20 hours of daily light, but the stealth leaf shape is what makes her the perfect choice for outdoor growing.  

 Grow Auto Duck cannabis
 Grow Auto Duck cannabis

 Auto Duck Naturally disguised cannabis

Auto Duck tends to produce medium hight cannabis plants.  In optimum outdoor conditions she tends to reach around 1 metre tall, but in smaller containers she can remain around 50cm, making her a perfect variety to hide among the tomato plants or ornamental garden shrubs.  But as this weeks grow shows, even a small Auto Duck will produce fat XL sized cannabis blooms during the last few weeks of growth.  

Auto Duck cannabis Dutch Passion
Auto Duck Dutch Passion

 Auto Duck Convenient and easy cannabis seeds for indoor or outdoor cannabis growing

Outdoors, or in greenhouses, Auto Duck tends to take around 90 days from seed to harvest.  Mediterranean growers will be able to get three consecutive crops in a single year from Auto Duck.  But even people growing in cold Scandinavian climates will be able to get at least one outdoor auto  harvest per year, as this blog shows. 

The combination of low-aroma and a naturally disguised appearance make Auto Duck an easy variety to hide in the corner of your greenhouse, patio, garden or back yard. 

Many outdoor growers plant Auto Duck in unused urban land, along river banks, road sides or the countryside.  Auto Duck needs no maintenance after she has been planted.  Just do your best to protect her from animals with plenty of slug pellets and perhaps a small amount of wire fencing to protect her from rabbits etc.

 Grow Auto Duck cannabis

Auto Duck is a fast and easy cannabis variety for urban growers.  Instead of buying your cannabis, you can grow plenty of your own easily with Auto Duck seeds.  All you need is a quiet and sunny growing location. 

Until the last few weeks of growth, Auto Duck remains an anonymous looking plant that no-one will recognise.  Lots of Dutch Passion customers regularly grow a few Auto Ducks at home, it a low cost and easy way to grow your own cannabis. 

You can get your feminized Auto Duck seeds here, you will be amazed how easy it is to grow your own cannabis.

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