Auto Euforia indoor grow report by Canney: a skunky high of emotions

Auto Euforia Indoor Grow Report from Seed to Harvest by Canney (1)

In search of a potent sativa-dominant strain, I came across Auto Euforia. Shortly after harvesting, I put these genetics into my personal Hall of Fame. In addition to the lush bud sites and a fantastic aroma, what really stood out about Auto Euforia was its effect. The name says it all. A humble plant that responds very gratefully to slightly-above average care and delivers extremely resinous weed. I would like to share with you how my grow went.

Customer grow review, text & photos from ‘Canney’

In search of a potent sativa-dominant strain, I came across Auto Euforia. Shortly after harvesting, I put these genetics into my personal Hall of Fame. In addition to the lush bud sites and a fantastic aroma, what really stood out about Auto Euforia was its effect. The name says it all. A humble plant that responds very gratefully to slightly-above average care and delivers extremely resinous weed. I would like to share with you how my grow went.

Customer grow review, text & photos from ‘Canney’

Auto Euforia cultivation data

  • Genetics: Auto Euforia by Dutch Passion Seed Company
  • Germination to harvest: 76 days
  • Medium: Bio Bizz Light mix in 9L pots
  • Light: a Sanlight S2W in the seedling phase; 3 Sanlight Q4 modules later on
  • Temperature: 19 – 24 °C
  • pH: 5.7 – 6.1
  • Irrigation: by hand
  • Humidity: 41-58%; up to 73% during the seedling phase
  • Basic fertilizer: Bio Bizz Grow and Bio Bizz Bio-Bloom
  • Boosters: Alfa Boost
  • Height: 94 – 102 cm
  • Total yield: 690g (10 plants)

Auto Euforia cultivation data

  • Genetics: Auto Euforia by Dutch Passion Seed Company
  • Germination to harvest: 76 days
  • Medium: Bio Bizz Light mix in 9L pots
  • Light: a Sanlight S2W in the seedling phase; 3 Sanlight Q4 modules later on
  • Temperature: 19 – 24 °C
  • pH: 5.7 – 6.1
  • Irrigation: by hand
  • Humidity: 41-58%; up to 73% during the seedling phase
  • Basic fertilizer: Bio Bizz Grow and Bio Bizz Bio-Bloom
  • Boosters: Alfa Boost
  • Height: 94 – 102 cm
  • Total yield: 690g (10 plants)

Autoflowering cannabis seeds, convenience and speed for the modern grower

Auto Euforia Indoor Grow Report from Seed to Harvest by Canney (2)

Autoflowering genetics are my passion. Often ridiculed and not taken seriously, an enormous market has developed around these varieties, which are now firmly established. If you consider the needs of the average home grower in their own four walls, this is not really surprising. Limited space, high demand for quality buds and often a lack of green-fingers are the common realities.

Autoflowering strains provide (partial) answers to many of these problems and offer alternatives. Compact heights, heavy yields, and low-maintenance traits are just a few qualities I could name. The occasional researcher from the grower community may remark that these strains are genetic cocktails due to the amount of back-and-forth crossbreeding.

But does this really bother you when the clean, potent, and delicious end product isn’t from a ‘pure’ origin? I can definitely see that pure varieties have their right to exist. But for my purposes and those of many home growers, autoflowering plants are spot on.

Auto Euforia, a high quality skunk selection

Auto Euforia by Dutch Passion is a cross between the strain Euforia and an automatic Skunk. The former emerged in the 1996 during a project in which Dutch Passion were working on Skunk strains. According to the manufacturer, the plant tends to develop in a rather compact and bushy structure. In terms of taste, the genetic ancestors are particularly noticeable, because the typical sweet Skunk taste is very clear. Ten to eleven weeks after autoflower seed germination the ladies are ready to harvest and usually reach around a metre tall.

Just before my last harvest, I visited an old friend who had started growing at the time. A former employee who originally started with me as an intern turned into a grow buddy over time. We had gone our separate ways professionally and the contact had broken down a bit. So I invited myself over and after coffee & cake he took me to his basement. It was also ten days before harvest and I was amazed when I saw the flowers. An extremely strong skunk smell captured my nostrils. Some side shoots struggled to hold the resinous dripping buds. It was Auto Euforia and I knew I would order the seeds as well.

As soon as I got home, I sit down directly at the computer. Ten cannabis seeds from Dutch Passion for just under €60 was absolutely fair. I’ve been working with Dutch Passion seeds for years now and really have nothing bad to say about them. Starting with the wide range and the website, right through to the quality and the results, everything is exemplary. The customer service also answers immediately and leaves no questions unanswered. The only question is why I didn’t have Auto Euforia in my shopping cart until now.

Auto Euforia, a high quality skunk selection

Auto Euforia by Dutch Passion is a cross between the strain Euforia and an automatic Skunk. The former emerged in the 1996 during a project in which Dutch Passion were working on Skunk strains. According to the manufacturer, the plant tends to develop in a rather compact and bushy structure. In terms of taste, the genetic ancestors are particularly noticeable, because the typical sweet Skunk taste is very clear. Ten to eleven weeks after autoflower seed germination the ladies are ready to harvest and usually reach around a metre tall.

Just before my last harvest, I visited an old friend who had started growing at the time. A former employee who originally started with me as an intern turned into a grow buddy over time. We had gone our separate ways professionally and the contact had broken down a bit. So I invited myself over and after coffee & cake he took me to his basement. It was also ten days before harvest and I was amazed when I saw the flowers. An extremely strong skunk smell captured my nostrils. Some side shoots struggled to hold the resinous dripping buds. It was Auto Euforia and I knew I would order the seeds as well.

As soon as I got home, I sit down directly at the computer. Ten cannabis seeds from Dutch Passion for just under €60 was absolutely fair. I’ve been working with Dutch Passion seeds for years now and really have nothing bad to say about them. Starting with the wide range and the website, right through to the quality and the results, everything is exemplary. The customer service also answers immediately and leaves no questions unanswered. The only question is why I didn’t have Auto Euforia in my shopping cart until now.

Auto Euforia grow journal by Canney

Auto Euforia Indoor Grow Report from Seed to Harvest by Canney (9)

Time to germinate the autoflower seeds

A few days after placing my order, my autoflower seeds were delivered and I was ready to go. I used the opportunity to harvest the crop in my grow room at the time. Since the auto seeds didn’t end up in the tent immediately, I still had enough time to dry everything without rushing. Nothing is worse than drying too quickly. But more on that later.

First, all ten autoflower seeds went into a jar of water, which I placed in a dark and warm corner of the utility room. Here the seeds soaked up water and the hard shell softened. In some cases the seeds started to germinate. After 24 hours, I carefully fished out all the seeds and placed them on a cotton pad, which people usually use to remove make-up.

I covered everything with another pad and sprayed it with water so it was really wet but not floating. Finally, the cotton pads went into a freezer bag with a zip fastener and back into the same dark, warm corner. Now the seedlings got two whole days to germinate properly.

My previous harvest was now dry and gone. I cleaned my tent thoroughly and started filling the pots with soil. First, however, clay balls came in. A layer of about three to four cm. This served as drainage. As a soil, I generally prefer a light mix. So I started to fill my 9 litre pots and occasionally shook the pots so that they didn’t get too airy at the end. The soil then often sags after the first watering and soil has to be refilled. I avoided that.

Auto Euforia seedlings under SANlight LED

My seeds had germinated properly. I put on latex gloves to protect the seedlings from germs and planted them tail first in the pre-prepared soil. Not too deep, because they should start getting exposed to the LED light soon. Finally I sprayed everything with water. Initially, the light was on for 24 hours daily until all seedlings had poked through the surface of the earth. This happened after about 48 hours. From that moment my lights were on 18 hours a day. Since the need for powerful light is not that critical initially, I hung my relatively small LED module S2W from Sanlight in my tent.

In the first few days I didn’t have to water at all, because the first watering was plentiful and sufficient. Nevertheless, I sprayed a good amount of water on the plants every day and even turned on my fan. The fan was set to the lowest level, so the heat could build up a bit, which was good for the seedlings.

Not much happened initially and the first leaves developed slowly. Since my nutrient supplies were running out, I got myself grow and bloom fertilizer from my trusted grow shop. In addition, two thermometers were used to get a better overview of the climate in my tent.

After about ten days, growth began to accelerate significantly, which was clearly visible on the foliage. The existing plants grew, more and more leaves developed. I had already started watering small amounts of grow fertilizer and Alfa Boost daily. I also replaced the Sanlight S2W LED module with a Q4W module from the same manufacturer. So it got warmer in the tent and I turned the fan up.

Steady vegetative growth for Auto Euforia

By day 14, I noticed the stems of the plants slowly starting to become woody. The plants also began to stretch and spread more clearly. Their thirst grew and I increased the amount of fluid I was providing to them.

I usually try not to water more than necessary. For one thing, it’s always a huge mess when too much of the water comes out at the bottom. With ten plants in the tent, this quickly results in a small ocean. It is also not good to drown the roots in the ground with water. And since I also enjoy dealing with my plants more intensively, I like to put in a little more effort.

At the beginning of the third week I hung another Q4W LED module in my tent. I placed the pots further apart and thus had to illuminate a larger area. At first I forgot to turn the fan up again and suddenly wondered why it was getting so stuffy and humid. Fortunately, this problem was easily solved.

Signs of bloom begin around day 23

On day 23, I noticed pre-flowering on pretty much all the plants and spaced the pots out again. Now it was time to hang the third Q4W LED module in my tent. Since I had about three square meters of grow space available, I was very flexible.

In addition to the Grow fertilizer and Alfa Boost, I now also started adding a Bloom fertilizer. The plants began to stretch and all the shoots shot up. The previously subtle smell of cannabis now became much more intense and my fan ran at 80 percent capacity.

In particular, the tips of the shoots began to become hairy and the plants, which had been very bushy up to then, became much more translucent/open. This was also because I removed larger fan leaves. I was now watering about a litre every two to three days and also regulated the pH, which was sinking due to the increasing proportion of nutrients.

Auto Euforia plants in full bloom after 6 weeks of growth

By day 43 I had lush but delicate buds on all plants. Far from compact at this point, but I had a clear vision of what was to come. The bulking phase started slowly and I gradually increased the bloom nutrients. What struck me was that this strain would happily take a little more fertilizer without having any problems. The buds got bigger and bigger and eventually the plants started to release more resin.

In the lower third of the plants I removed weak shoots and foliage, which hardly got any light. Not all at once, but a little bit every day. By the eighth week the plants were so big and wide that I had to move the pots around to get at everything. Nevertheless, my arms kept coming at flowers and I had to take a shower regularly afterwards, because otherwise the smell would have stayed with me for a while. In those moments I smelled typical Skunk aromas quite clearly and was already looking forward to the harvest.

From day 60, the flowers increased in size again. The buds got bigger and bigger – pouring out a lot of resin. I now had a carpet of flowers on the surface and kept the LED modules at a distance of 30 to 40cm. The plants tolerated it very differently, but with three individual modules you are relatively flexible.

In the last few days I have noticed subtle smells in my house even when the tent is closed, which is a clear sign that the activated carbon filter should be replaced. I often have one in reserve and can then act quickly. Only once did it happen to me that I was away on business for several days and smells became a problem. A good friend agreed to water my plants and called me to say that there was a strong smell of weed everywhere. It turned out then that the fan had failed. So I had to guide a non-grow grower from 500 miles away to go to a grow shop, buy a fan and charcoal filter, and then install it – lots of fun. Everything worked out in the end, but since then I’ve planned my grows so that I’m never away for more than a day or two if possible.

Auto Euforia harvest approaches 10-11 weeks after autoflower seed germination

On day 68 I looked at the trichomes on the buds with a small magnifying glass. I saw a sea of ​​milky trichomes, about a quarter of which were brownish. A good time for me to start harvesting. The plants themselves now seemed exhausted and had given everything.

I had already used pure water for the previous watering and repeated it this time. After that there was nothing and on day 74 the lights went out. 36 hours later the time had come to chop and on a Friday evening I began to gather my harvesting equipment.

I covered the floor of the tent with foil, arranged my chair and got gloves and scissors ready. Since I usually disappeared into the tent for five hours, I packed provisions and a pot of tea. Of course, music couldn’t be missing either.

Here’s how I did it: First, I disassemble a plant into its individual parts and then work my way through the shoots. The leaves on the buds were full of resin so I trimmed carefully here. Almost all plants had very powerful main blooms and evenly spaced side shoots. Most of them were tall. I had to change my gloves several times because they were always completely stuck together.

The trimmed flowers were placed on nets, several of which I hung one below the other. I emptied the soil contents of the pots into garbage bags and disposed of everything that same night, together with the green waste at a secret place of my choice, in the middle of a forest. Of course, I took the plastic garbage bags back with me. Far away from me of course. If you walk through nature like this and keep your eyes open, you sometimes see that other growers do the same.

After my fan had removed the aroma from harvest, I turned the fan well below 50% to keep the buds from drying too quickly. No matter how well the grow went, removing moisture too quickly can ruin everything. Juicy and aromatic buds then quickly turn into hay-smelling herbs that are scratchy when smoked.

Auto Euforia grow journal by Canney

Auto Euforia Indoor Grow Report from Seed to Harvest by Canney (9)

Time to germinate the autoflower seeds

A few days after placing my order, my autoflower seeds were delivered and I was ready to go. I used the opportunity to harvest the crop in my grow room at the time. Since the auto seeds didn’t end up in the tent immediately, I still had enough time to dry everything without rushing. Nothing is worse than drying too quickly. But more on that later.

First, all ten autoflower seeds went into a jar of water, which I placed in a dark and warm corner of the utility room. Here the seeds soaked up water and the hard shell softened. In some cases the seeds started to germinate. After 24 hours, I carefully fished out all the seeds and placed them on a cotton pad, which people usually use to remove make-up.

I covered everything with another pad and sprayed it with water so it was really wet but not floating. Finally, the cotton pads went into a freezer bag with a zip fastener and back into the same dark, warm corner. Now the seedlings got two whole days to germinate properly.

My previous harvest was now dry and gone. I cleaned my tent thoroughly and started filling the pots with soil. First, however, clay balls came in. A layer of about three to four cm. This served as drainage. As a soil, I generally prefer a light mix. So I started to fill my 9 litre pots and occasionally shook the pots so that they didn’t get too airy at the end. The soil then often sags after the first watering and soil has to be refilled. I avoided that.

Auto Euforia seedlings under SANlight LED

My seeds had germinated properly. I put on latex gloves to protect the seedlings from germs and planted them tail first in the pre-prepared soil. Not too deep, because they should start getting exposed to the LED light soon. Finally I sprayed everything with water. Initially, the light was on for 24 hours daily until all seedlings had poked through the surface of the earth. This happened after about 48 hours. From that moment my lights were on 18 hours a day. Since the need for powerful light is not that critical initially, I hung my relatively small LED module S2W from Sanlight in my tent.

In the first few days I didn’t have to water at all, because the first watering was plentiful and sufficient. Nevertheless, I sprayed a good amount of water on the plants every day and even turned on my fan. The fan was set to the lowest level, so the heat could build up a bit, which was good for the seedlings.

Not much happened initially and the first leaves developed slowly. Since my nutrient supplies were running out, I got myself grow and bloom fertilizer from my trusted grow shop. In addition, two thermometers were used to get a better overview of the climate in my tent.

After about ten days, growth began to accelerate significantly, which was clearly visible on the foliage. The existing plants grew, more and more leaves developed. I had already started watering small amounts of grow fertilizer and Alfa Boost daily. I also replaced the Sanlight S2W LED module with a Q4W module from the same manufacturer. So it got warmer in the tent and I turned the fan up.

Steady vegetive growth for Auto Euforia

By day 14, I noticed the stems of the plants slowly starting to become woody. The plants also began to stretch and spread more clearly. Their thirst grew and I increased the amount of fluid I was providing to them.

I usually try not to water more than necessary. For one thing, it’s always a huge mess when too much of the water comes out at the bottom. With ten plants in the tent, this quickly results in a small ocean. It is also not good to drown the roots in the ground with water. And since I also enjoy dealing with my plants more intensively, I like to put in a little more effort.

At the beginning of the third week I hung another Q4W LED module in my tent. I placed the pots further apart and thus had to illuminate a larger area. At first I forgot to turn the fan up again and suddenly wondered why it was getting so stuffy and humid. Fortunately, this problem was easily solved.

Signs of bloom begin around day 23

On day 23, I noticed pre-flowering on pretty much all the plants and spaced the pots out again. Now it was time to hang the third Q4W LED module in my tent. Since I had about three square meters of grow space available, I was very flexible.

In addition to the Grow fertilizer and Alfa Boost, I now also started adding a Bloom fertilizer. The plants began to stretch and all the shoots shot up. The previously subtle smell of cannabis now became much more intense and my fan ran at 80 percent capacity.

In particular, the tips of the shoots began to become hairy and the plants, which had been very bushy up to then, became much more translucent/open. This was also because I removed larger fan leaves. I was now watering about a litre every two to three days and also regulated the pH, which was sinking due to the increasing proportion of nutrients.

Auto Euforia plants in full bloom after 6 weeks of growth

By day 43 I had lush but delicate buds on all plants. Far from compact at this point, but I had a clear vision of what was to come. The bulking phase started slowly and I gradually increased the bloom nutrients. What struck me was that this strain would happily take a little more fertilizer without having any problems. The buds got bigger and bigger and eventually the plants started to release more resin.

In the lower third of the plants I removed weak shoots and foliage, which hardly got any light. Not all at once, but a little bit every day. By the eighth week the plants were so big and wide that I had to move the pots around to get at everything. Nevertheless, my arms kept coming at flowers and I had to take a shower regularly afterwards, because otherwise the smell would have stayed with me for a while. In those moments I smelled typical Skunk aromas quite clearly and was already looking forward to the harvest.

From day 60, the flowers increased in size again. The buds got bigger and bigger – pouring out a lot of resin. I now had a carpet of flowers on the surface and kept the LED modules at a distance of 30 to 40cm. The plants tolerated it very differently, but with three individual modules you are relatively flexible.

In the last few days I have noticed subtle smells in my house even when the tent is closed, which is a clear sign that the activated carbon filter should be replaced. I often have one in reserve and can then act quickly. Only once did it happen to me that I was away on business for several days and smells became a problem. A good friend agreed to water my plants and called me to say that there was a strong smell of weed everywhere. It turned out then that the fan had failed. So I had to guide a non-grow grower from 500 miles away to go to a grow shop, buy a fan and charcoal filter, and then install it – lots of fun. Everything worked out in the end, but since then I’ve planned my grows so that I’m never away for more than a day or two if possible.

Auto Euforia harvest approaches 10-11 weeks after autoflower seed germination

On day 68 I looked at the trichomes on the buds with a small magnifying glass. I saw a sea of ​​milky trichomes, about a quarter of which were brownish. A good time for me to start harvesting. The plants themselves now seemed exhausted and had given everything.

I had already used pure water for the previous watering and repeated it this time. After that there was nothing and on day 74 the lights went out. 36 hours later the time had come to chop and on a Friday evening I began to gather my harvesting equipment.

I covered the floor of the tent with foil, arranged my chair and got gloves and scissors ready. Since I usually disappeared into the tent for five hours, I packed provisions and a pot of tea. Of course, music couldn’t be missing either.

Here’s how I did it: First, I disassemble a plant into its individual parts and then work my way through the shoots. The leaves on the buds were full of resin so I trimmed carefully here. Almost all plants had very powerful main blooms and evenly spaced side shoots. Most of them were tall. I had to change my gloves several times because they were always completely stuck together.

The trimmed flowers were placed on nets, several of which I hung one below the other. I emptied the soil contents of the pots into garbage bags and disposed of everything that same night, together with the green waste at a secret place of my choice, in the middle of a forest. Of course, I took the plastic garbage bags back with me. Far away from me of course. If you walk through nature like this and keep your eyes open, you sometimes see that other growers do the same.

After my fan had removed the aroma from harvest, I turned the fan well below 50% to keep the buds from drying too quickly. No matter how well the grow went, removing moisture too quickly can ruin everything. Juicy and aromatic buds then quickly turn into hay-smelling herbs that are scratchy when smoked.

Auto Euforia Indoor Grow Report from Seed to Harvest by Canney (10)

Original Auto Euforia cannabis seeds

Auto Euforia buds dried, cured & enjoyed!

I kept the fan running, but not pointing it directly at the drying buds. After about six days, the buds were a little crunchier on the outside. I left everything for another 12 hours and then packed the buds in airtight boxes. Eight hours later I laid everything out again because there was still a lot of moisture coming out of the inside of the flowers. Eventually I was able to pack the weed and opened the jars for a few minutes each day to let some fresh air in.

I treated myself to the first sample after work in the garden with a peach ice tea. As dusk fell, I lit my joint, which I’d packed a good 0.5 grams into. In addition, I added a pinch of natural tobacco combined with a small activated carbon filter. As I lit the lighter, I noticed how sticky my fingers were still from rolling it. The first puffs were really banging and taste-wise it was an absolutely skunky affair. Maybe not quite as penetrating as you know from other strains, but still very dominant. I got in a good mood and grinned to myself while enjoying the plants and insects in my garden. At some point I noticed that it was already dark. I quickly turned to a second one and flew euphorically onto my couch.

I was quite satisfied with a yield of 690 grams and my environment also loved this strain. Dutch Passion launched a strain that really packs a punch.

Auto Euforia buds dried, cured & enjoyed!

I kept the fan running, but not pointing it directly at the drying buds. After about six days, the buds were a little crunchier on the outside. I left everything for another 12 hours and then packed the buds in airtight boxes. Eight hours later I laid everything out again because there was still a lot of moisture coming out of the inside of the flowers. Eventually I was able to pack the weed and opened the jars for a few minutes each day to let some fresh air in.

I treated myself to the first sample after work in the garden with a peach ice tea. As dusk fell, I lit my joint, which I’d packed a good 0.5 grams into. In addition, I added a pinch of natural tobacco combined with a small activated carbon filter. As I lit the lighter, I noticed how sticky my fingers were still from rolling it. The first puffs were really banging and taste-wise it was an absolutely skunky affair. Maybe not quite as penetrating as you know from other strains, but still very dominant. I got in a good mood and grinned to myself while enjoying the plants and insects in my garden. At some point I noticed that it was already dark. I quickly turned to a second one and flew euphorically onto my couch.

I was quite satisfied with a yield of 690 grams and my environment also loved this strain. Dutch Passion launched a strain that really packs a punch.

Dutch Passion’s final feedback

Autoflowering cannabis seeds have earned their reputation for being the easiest and fastest way to grow your own stash. Skunk strains are famously easy to grow, and as ‘Canney’ demonstrated, they deliver great plant-to-plant consistency.

Auto Euforia delivers THC levels around 20% in good grow conditions, strong enough for to satisfy demanding connoisseurs. The sweet skunky taste is delicious, but most repeat growers love Auto Euforia for her remarkably uplifting euphoric high which arrives soon after vaping/smoking her. It’s a powerful effect which brings real joy and emotion.

Yields are also predictably heavy. So if you’re looking to grow one of Dutch Passion’s most highly rated autoflower strains and want a simple grow with heavy yields and banging smoke quality then Auto Euforia should be at the top of your list.

Dutch Passion’s final feedback

Autoflowering cannabis seeds have earned their reputation for being the easiest and fastest way to grow your own stash. Skunk strains are famously easy to grow, and as ‘Canney’ demonstrated, they deliver great plant-to-plant consistency.

Auto Euforia delivers THC levels around 20% in good grow conditions, strong enough for to satisfy demanding connoisseurs. The sweet skunky taste is delicious, but most repeat growers love Auto Euforia for her remarkably uplifting euphoric high which arrives soon after vaping/smoking her. It’s a powerful effect which brings real joy and emotion.

Yields are also predictably heavy. So if you’re looking to grow one of Dutch Passion’s most highly rated autoflower strains and want a simple grow with heavy yields and banging smoke quality then Auto Euforia should be at the top of your list.

Auto Euforia grown indoors in pictures

About the grower

The original Auto Euforia grow report was published on THCENE 3/2021, and comes courtsey of Canney, a social worker with a passion for growing cannabis and writing. After nearly a decade of experience, this “semi-professional home grower” combined his two hobbies and regularly publishes diaries from seed to harvest on the THCENE magazine.

Original Auto Euforia cannabis seeds

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