AutoDurban Poison and AutoXtreme review

AutoDurban Poison and AutoXtreme organic review

AutoDurban Poison and AutoXtreme review

Connoisseur home grower Antonio got just over 200 grams of top quality organic cannabis in this AutoDurban Poison and AutoXtreme review. This weeks blog grow review shows how he did it, with just 150W of LED.

Antonio and his brother Ferdinand has made previous grow reviews of Dutch Passion CBD SkunkHaze, The Edge, Night Queen and CBD ComPassion.  Antonio has also won two cannabis cups growing Dutch Passion varieties The Edge and Night Queen.

AutoDurban Poison

Words and pictures from Antonio

“This grows features 3x AutoDurban Poison and 2x AutoXtreme, a total of 5 plants. Both varieties are Sativa-dominant Autofems. This is definitely shown in both the structure of the plants and leaves.”

“AutoXtreme had a slow start but after a few weeks she was growing extremely fast. The AutoDurbanPoison has a great structure you just have to plant the seed, give water and nutrients and let nature do her thing.”

“The AutoXtreme needs a bit more attention, I think it is one of the few Autoflower varieties that can also do well in a SCROG system because she has some stretch in her overall growth pattern.”

auto extreme Dutch Passion

“The AutoDurbanPoison bud structure is very open, none of the 3 AutoDurbans had compact buds, they were all thin and prone to foxtailing. The buds were small but very potent with beautiful bright orange pistils.”

“The one in the middle smelled quite special, it was my favourite one, it had a mix of spicy and fruity fragrances, in bloom this particular phenotype smelled like orange juice, the other 2 plants smelled more similar to that legendary Durban aroma of liquorice and aniseed.”

autoDurban Poison dutch passion

“The AutoXtreme, well what can I say. Flabbergasted is the word I’m looking for, the AutoXtreme is just extremely potent! The buds are super frosty and packed with THC crystals, I think it is the most potent Autoflower I’ve seen so far.”

“The buds have the appearance of a Sativa combined with the compactness of an Indica.  Although I’m not a commercial grower myself I think this variety can do well for people that grow commercially.”

AutoXtreme  dutch passion

“Both varieties almost literally grew themselves, which is the case for all Autoflower varieties I guess. Compared to some Sativa dominant photoperiod varieties. I think they are very suitable for first time growers, they seem very stable and hard to stress.  They just seem a bit more forgiving than some traditional varieties.”

“I do believe if you treat them the right way, you will be rewarded with top quality cannabis that is just as good as the normal strains but ready for harvest in a shorter time frame!”

AutoDurban Poison dutch passion
autoDurban Poison dutch passion

“The only two things I would differently if I would grow one of them again is, to use the SCROG method for the AutoXtreme and to use smaller pots, probably Airpots instead of the 41L Smarpots. I think an Autoflower variety doesn’t need such a big pot, 10-20 litres will do.”

AutoXtreme dutch passion

“The lights were the new Crazy LED’s HS1 LED Modules, they use just 75watt per module, so they are very low in energy consumption yet very efficient. So in total we used 150watts for the cultivation of 5 Autoflowers in a small cabinet grow room of 0.9m2.”

“All 5 plants were grown in 41L Smartpots, with a mix of Plagron Lightmix and Coco fibre with 4:1 Ratio. The nutrients are as always: Bio-Sannie, Mycorrhiza, Perfect Start, Buffertablets, Bacto and Yucca combined with B.A.C Organic Grow, Bloom and PK Booster nutes, fully Organic nutrients.”

The conditions were good but not perfect, during grow; Temperatures ranged between 19-27ºC with humidity of 52%-85%. During bloom it ranged from 19-27ºC with a humidity of 40%-72%.”

“Even though a humidity level of 72% is way too high for late bloom, we only found one small spot of bud rot in the biggest AutoDurban Poison main cola. Try to keep humidity under 50% if you want optimum results.”

cannabis cup award dutch passion

“5 plants were grown in total, 3 AutoDurbanPoison and 2 AutoXtreme. The height of the AutoDurbanPoison’s were 50cm, 65cm and 64cm, the AutoXtreme’s were 64cm and 75cm but the main cola’s were bent 2 times during bloom.  Without this I think they would have reached 85-100cm”

“After drying the buds for 12 days, we had 206 grams, 134 grams from 3 AutoDurban Poison (average 44g per plant).   One AutoXtreme gave 28 grams, the other produced 44g. I weighed the main cola’s of the 3 AutoDurbanPoison’s separately when they were dried. The smallest AutoDurban Poison had a main bud of 12g, the middle one was 21g and the biggest one had a main cola of 29g”

“For feeding we just steadily increased the nutrients. The last 10-14 days are always used to flush the plants and its medium. The AutoDurbanPoison was ready to be harvest in 11 weeks, the AutoXtreme took 12 weeks.”

cannabis cup for night queen dutch passion

“AutoDurbanPoison; what a clear, social and soaring Sativa high! It is most definitely something truly unique. Especially for an Auto-Sativa, I almost couldn’t believe the high it produced, such an energetic, clear and euphoric feeling, ideal for a morning and day-time smoke.  Your day will truly feel a lot better!”

“AutoDurban Poison is one of those varieties that produce such a clear high that you will have a hard time believing you are high at all.  It is also a high which I tend to call a ‘focus’ high (similar to the CBD Compassion), your mind stays clear and sharp, you responsiveness seems enhanced and you feel happy overall. I believe it will appeal to both creative people and medical users that are looking for a variety that will cheer up their day.
I can really recommend this strain for all the Sativa lovers out there“

“The AutoXtreme; it is powerful! Unlike the AutoDurban Poison, the AutoXtreme isn’t a creeper, you will feel the effects immediately after you’ve taken a few hits. The high has a lot more of a punch to it but I would not dare to call it a stoned feeling, it feels like a Sativa high with just a bit more kick than usual. I guess that is because of the Outlaw genes in this crossing.”

“It is a very pleasant smoke, for both daytime and nighttime. It tastes and feels like one of those traditional haze varieties, high, but not too high. Gentle, but with a strong edge to it. I think the high as well as the taste will appeal to many growers looking for a classic genuine Sativa experience.”

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