AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke Review

AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke Review

AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke Review

Dutch Passion AutoUltimate comes with exceptional genetics which can allow harvests of 200g++ from a single plant 75 days after germinating the seed.  Its one of our best automatics, the genetics come from our photoperiod classic ‘The Ultimate’ which is one of our heaviest yielding and one of our strongest, we used genetics from our proven best seller AutoMazar during the process of automating the genetics.

AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke Review

Above and below AutoUltimate grown by ‘Insert’ in deep water culture using LED.  Numerous heavy blooms, great plant structure, nearly 300g harvest.  Note the length of each bloom.  Most home growers will be satisfied with this harvest quantity and plant structure

AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke Review

Grown under LED using deep water culture

The AutoUltimate in this weeks blog was grown by ‘Insert’ under LED using deep water culture (DWC).  Insert has also made grow diaries of our AutoBlueberry, Tundra, Blue AutoMazar and StarRyder.  DWC is a hydroponic growing method recognised as one of the fastest ways to grow large cannabis plants.  In DWC the cannabis roots grow into a (20 litre) nutrient bucket. 

Normally the roots would rot in water, but when an air-stone produces large volumes of bubbles in the bucket the roots thrive with plenty of oxygen nutrition and an endless stream of nutrients supplied by the grower.  Automatics thrive in this environment under a daily light allowance of 20 hours, followed by a period of 4 hours darkness. 

Bloom starts at 3-4 weeks

They begin to bloom automatically at around 3-4 weeks and are fed in a similar way to traditional varieties.  The potency of the best auto’s is the same as good quality traditional varieties.  

AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke Review

Above, solid and dense blooms.  Strong and long lasting.  The usual rich resin coating guarantees a potent and long lasting high often with fruity lemon and coffee aromas

AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke review by insert

The pictures and words in this weeks review come from Insert, the original grow diary is courtesy of

“If I grew her again, which I would in a heartbeat, I would give her my full attention, I left her alone for five days when I went out of town, her bucket was (apart for a couple of millimetres in the bottom) empty when i got home. There were many weekends where she was left alone. I can only imagine her size if I had been more attentive to the pH and EC”

“I grew her in a Hydrogrow PARRoom 90 (90x90x220) with a special reflective coating to maximize the LED reflection, with a Hydrowgrow 336X2 Light. For the most part of the grow she shared the tent with an Auto Durban Poison that was LST’d, with both plants the yield was over one gram per watt. Once the AutoDurban Poison was harvested the AutoUltimate really came into her own, she spread out and really started to fatten up. I fed her with basic ‘Advanced Nutrients’ Sensi Grow and Bloom A and B, I also used B-52, and root stimulant”

AutoUltimate bloom

Above and below AutoUltimate offers XXL potential for the experienced home grower looking to harvest 200g+ automatics grown in optimum conditions.  The variety is also robust enough to recommend to first time growers

AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke Review

Insert continued his review with his thoughts on the quality of the vaporized cannabis.

“Vape report : I would say the Auto Ultimate is yet another Dutch Passion strain to be reckoned with. She has a fast hitting up, creative, and fun high that will fade into a strong indica body stone if you go a bit heavy on the vaporizer!!! On the lighter side, just a few hits, she’ll reward you with a balanced up high which goes for at least 3 hours! I would not recommend it for those who want to sleep!”

“The most memorable thing about this grow for me was that I was ready to throw the plant away at 10 days old. After almost ten days the seedling had not put any roots in the DWC bucket (this had never happened to me before). When the root did finally appear, it was not just one, but was like ten at the same time. From that moment I recognised potential, and said this one has to go to the end, she is going to be epic !! “

AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke Review

Above and below Big buds the easy way, but bigger jars are preferred for AutoUltimate

AutoUltimate in the jar

Advice for future growers of AutoUltimate

“To anyone that is growing DWC or any other type of hydro. I would recommend the Heisenberg tea, as I used this to promote beneficial bacteria and fungus growth in the reservoir to inhibit the unhelpful bacteria.  

Auto Ultimate likes a high EC (nutrient concentration) in Veg and flower, I found that this plant really liked between 2.1 and 2.2 EC

“Even a plant that was neglected for almost a week in bloom, and was almost thrown-away gave me almost 300g of primo bud that smells and tastes of lemon. A truly exceptional strain. Congratulations to the Dutch Passion Team!”

“One extra note she smells of sweet Lemon, and coffee. Very fast hitting, long lasting, I love it! “

AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke Review
AutoUltimate Grow And Smoke Review


AutoUltimate has been one of our most popular new autofem introductions since Think Different.  AutoUltimate is tough enough for first-time growers and gives abundant harvests of resinous and fruity citrus buds together with a strong, long-lasting and very enjoyable smoke for the connoisseur home grower.  But its the exceptional harvest potential which really makes this variety special and worthy of a place in your seed collection.  

Dutch Joe

PS Find Dutch Passion on Facebook !

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