Night Queen And Blue Velvet Review
Night Queen And Blue Velvet
This weeks customer grow review is about two of Dutch Passions most respected photoperiod varieties: Night Queen And Blue Velvet. Night Queen is a beautiful super-resinous indica from our original 1980’s collection, which is most appreciated for the heavy-hitting stone.
Many medical cannabis users grow Night Queen to help them sleep, its the kind of potent ‘couch lock’ variety that many people really enjoy for both medical and recreational purposes .
Blue Velvet is part of the Blueberry family which Dutch Passion introduced to Europe in the 1990’s, she is 50% indica/50% sativa with a velvet smooth high and a really powerful stone. Many repeat growers of Blue Velvet claim she is the best quality indica/sativa hybrid in the Dutch Passion collection with fruity flavours and a nicely balanced effect.
Above, Blue Velvet approaching harvest.
Below, Night Queen. A heavy hitting Afghan Indica with hard frosty buds.
Night Queen and Blue Velvet under 400W MH
‘Fweedom’ grew Night Queen and Blue Velvet in 6.2 gallon (23 litre) buckets, initially under a 400W Metal Halide for 29 days of vegetive growth.
Freedom then swapped the Metal Halide light for an HPS bulb and began flowering the plants by reducing daily light to 12 hours, final flowering took place under a 600W HPS. Flowering took 8½ weeks. The plants were grown in ‘Happy Frog’ soil with perlite and dolomite lime.
Dolomite lime is a mineral rich in Calcium and Magnesium, it is often used by experienced soil growers to prevent calcium/magnesium deficiencies. Freedom used one tablespoon of Dolomite lime for each gallon (5 litres) of soil. Nutrients were ‘Fox Farm Trio’. The original grow diary is courtesy of
Above, Night Queen. Blue hues at harvest and plenty of resin.
Words and pictures from Fweedom
“Night Queen- The Night Queen smoke really packs a knock out punch. After sampling a bit even before the cure it got me stoned and helped me sleep really well which is why i grew it. The pheno I grew has the classic rich skunk/afghani smell which is nice. What i really like about this strain is just how dense and frosty the nugs are, i was really happy with the yield as well. On top of all that it was done in only about 8.5 weeks which made the grow even that much better.”
Comments about Blue Velvet from Fweedom
“Blue Velvet- The Blue Velvet smoke is a real treat. It smells of blueberries and has a nice sweet fruity taste as well. Its the perfect blend of indica and sativa, at first its nice and uplifting but as time goes on you can feel the indica side and it relaxes you but at the same time you still feel motivated to do what needs to be done. Just over 5 ounces (140g) harvest was produced from the Blue Velvet”
Above, Night Queen & below Blue Velvet buds.
Comments from Fweedom about the grow
“The only other thing i may have done different would be to top them or LST them a bit to get more than one cola but to be honest i was happy with the yields without any training or topping. (the night queen weighed a little over 5 ounces dry”
“Some tips i would give if you are looking to grow these strains would be to have good airflow and try to keep humidity down when they are in full flower. I didn’t have any issues with mold or bud rot but the buds get so dense and solid i could see it happening if the environment wasn’t right. I’d definitely suggest either of these strains for new growers, they are very easy to grow and didn’t give me any problems at all. I even had a fan fall on top of them crushing them but they bounced back like nothing happened.”
Above, Night Queen ready for the chop.
Below, Blue Velvet on the left and Night Queen on the right.
Well done to Fweedom who produced some beautifully resinous buds, combining quality with good yields and showing that a couple of photoperiod plants can deliver plenty of cannabis for the self sufficient home grower.
Its also interesting to see how popular Night Queen is becoming for the medical properties. Initially it was the recreational growers that first remarked on the unusual potency of Night Queen. Then the medical growers found Night Queen to be a strong ‘soporific’ variety, meaning that if you smoke too much you will simply want to lay down and sleep.
Whatever the reasons you like to use cannabis, you will find Night Queen and Blue Velvet come with our highest recommendations. But more importantly than that, they come with our customers recommendations.
P.s. find Dutch Passion on Facebook!
Above, a final image of a Night Queen bloom. Solid and rich with resin.