Auto Euforia survives massive slug attack and still delivers bumper harvest!

Auto Euforia growreport blog outdoor autoflower comeback main picture

Ever seen a cannabis plant reduced to a slug-eaten stick with practically no green foliage left? In this week’s customer grow review, Auto Euforia had a dramatic encounter with slugs. Such was the damage that few could imagine she could survive, yet the Auto Euforia went on to not only recover but produce a multi-bloomed heavy yielding result. You won’t believe your eyes!

Auto Euforia, tough autoflowering cannabis seeds for indoor or guerrilla growth

Auto Euforia Dutch Passion the greatest comeback in autoflower history outdoor growing

OldFord is a UK outdoor cannabis grower. UK outdoor conditions can be highly variable from one summer to the next, meaning that growers often have to plan their guerrilla grow with great care, precise timing and careful choice of cannabis seeds. This means that the outdoor cannabis seeds (whether feminised seeds or autoflower seeds) need to be tough enough to survive in conditions that are often highly demanding.

This is how we look at the present with all the girls outdoors & destined for the GG (‘Guerrilla Grow’) life. No messing about as I want to give them a hard time of it to see how resilient they are, outdoors under a dome from an early stage and not seeing any adverse reactions yet. I’m quite impressed so far.

Auto Euforia Dutch Passion autoflowering genetics germination seedling phase outdoors pots domes

However, a slug attack on the Auto Euforia seedling left it looking almost dead. With much of the green foliage removed, all that remained was a slug-eaten stem.

At this stage, realistic prospects for the auto looked slim. All of the early growth was gone, and few would imagine that a meaningful recovery would be possible due to the severity of the slug attack.

But Auto Euforia is a classic autoflowering Skunk selection. Many growers will be aware that Skunk cannabis seeds show exceptional levels of robustness and toughness, famously easy to grow. OldFord took the munched, gnarled remains of his Auto Euforia seedling home for some TLC (tender loving care!) and allowed her some time to recover and slowly re-build her structure. Few would have imagined how well the Auto Euforia would recover!

Auto Euforia eaten by slugs the greatest comeback in autoflower history unbelievable recovery

A quick update on the girls. I brought a DP Auto Euforia back from the GG plot as it had been eaten to a bare stem, it seems to want to live on and is slowly recovering […] She had a few leaf stems , a tiny part of a leaf half way up and no top foliage just the stem… yet a bit of love and she bounced back. A lesser quality plant may have just keeled over. I’m actually impressed with both Dutch Passion’s variants I have on the grow.

Auto Euforia on the road to recovery table strong autoflowering genetics by Dutch Passion

Auto Euforia bounces back, new foliage emerges and vigorous growth returns

Auto Euforia outdoor growing in pots sunshine grow your own

Experienced growers know just how tough and uncomplicated it is to grow well-bred skunk cannabis seeds. They can cope with far more abuse than many lesser strains.

Less experienced growers in particular are often surprised by the resilience of Skunk genetics, though experienced skunk growers will be familiar with the reassuring levels of toughness that the best Skunks can display even in massively sub-optimised conditions.

Once OldFord had rescued his Auto Euforia from the slug-fest, he brought the plant home and monitored her recovery ensuring she was protected from further slug damage.

By allowing the plant to re-grow some foliage photosynthesis slowly re-commenced. From that point onwards recovery began. Slowly at first, but soon the Auto Euforia was able to regain much of the lost ground.

Auto Euforia Dutch Passion vegetative phase recovery cannabis plant

The most impressive aspect of this remarkable Auto Euforia recovery was the way she was able to progress onwards, regaining much of the lost growth. Cannabis growers that have re-vegged any tough photoperiod feminised strain will be aware that re-growth can be achieved even when very little remaining foliage remains present. The same principles apply when any cannabis plant (auto or feminised) has to recover from a severe insect attack or has to re-grow after large chunks have been eaten by rabbits, deer, goats etc.

Auto Euforia pre flowers white hairs female pistils autoflower weed

She bounced back VERY well. A quick update boys & girls, both DP girls are thriving. The little stem munched Auto Euforia has bounced back from a sad looking twig to a rather healthy & increasingly frosty auto. She got a fair bit of aromatic aromas emanating from her, she’s filling out rapidly and I’m very happy with her, been a breeze to grow and rock solid.

Auto Euforia Dutch Passion autoflower cannabis plants early flowering strong weed

Auto Euforia back from the dead, with loud aromas!

Auto Euforia early resin development frosty sticky weed

Against all odds, the Auto Euforia was able to produce new leaves and branches. She was able to produce the classic Dutch Passion autoflower structure, with one heavy main bloom surrounded by a ring of slightly smaller side blooms. Dutch Passion take great care during their selective breeding to ensure that only the toughest, most resilient THC-rich genetics are used. As well as being hardy and near-indestructible, the best skunk cannabis strains ensure a trademark penetrating pungent aroma. Skunk connoisseurs love the rich, tongue-tingling taste of a full-bodied terpene profile and Auto Euforia certainly delivers well in this regard:

Auto Euforia big buds long flowers outdoor UK grown by Oldford UK420 forum

The little slug-munched Auto Euforia is looking very impressive and kicking up a stench! Can’t believe how loud she’s getting. I reckon she is  2 weeks away from being well cooked.

Auto Euforia Dutch Passion autoflower genetics skunk family resillient strong potent weed

Auto Euforia assessment from OldFord

Auto Euforia budshot frosty cannabis plant sticky weed marijuana blog report outdoor UK grown

Both the Passion #1 & the Auto Euforia were doing wonderful! However, the Auto Euforia has reached her peak and has been felled. The Auto Euforia is now hanging upside down in the drying box as we speak and has been for a couple of days, she had a major hard life!

She was sprouted and dumped in the cold outdoors, then moved onto my GG (Guerrilla Grow) plot, she suffered very badly at the hands of the merciless ninja slime brigade who reduced her to a bare stem with only a trace of lateral branching and zero leaf formation.

I brought her back to the house for some love & TLC, and much to my surprise she arose from the depths of despair to a cracking not-so-little but very loud lil’ lady. I will say she has been by far the loudest smelling auto I have ever grown!!  All the way to #11.

I pushed her until I got around 20% amber and she was starting to lose her vigour, but only after the last 2 weeks of neglect with me not being around, yet she still produced a great little bounty.

I cross-sectioned one of the main blooms to ensure the greyish hues were not hiding any nasty shit and as you can see its all gravy. A few pics of how she looked on her final day prior to devoting herself to a very good cause… namely medicine for me.

Auto Euforia harvest & smoke review

During the grow she had a definite Skunk, Gassy, Fuel like aroma emitting from midway into flowering and it became stronger as she developed. The aroma became so pungent that you could smell her before you seen her.

In the later stages of flowering, she developed a zesty fruity leading note with the skunky tones still there but underneath the zesty fruitiness.

It’s quite an intoxicating aroma. Auto Euforia is actually one of the few autos I have ran that emitted real odour!

During the taking down of this special little lady the aroma was very intense! Yet the zesty fruity note was still foremost with the gassy stench just enveloping anything around it, she was very musky and intense.

Auto Euforia harvest outdoor buds big flowers potent high thc autoflower weed

The nuggets of aromatic delight have been in the jars for nearly 4 weeks now on a strict burping regime and I’m delighted to say the zesty fruity aroma has remained the forefront scent when you open the jars, yet you can break up a nugget and she fills the room with the intense skunky / gassy side of her aroma within seconds.

I rolled my first joint in months and sat smelling the wonderful complex aroma coming through the papers, an unlit pull on the roach and I instantly got the zesty fruity tang right on the tongue and its very intense, you do get the skunky undertones but the sweet zesty note just coats the mouth.

Once lit, the joint instantly had the skunky aroma, a good few pulls on the joint and the on the inhale the mouth is coated with a sweet zesty fruitiness. You can feel it and then you salivate. Certainly not a dry mouth affair. On exhale she’s thick & creamy with the zesty fruity side still coating the tongue, a very pleasant taste.

The effects of this little lady were almost instant, I could feel her building on the top of the head,  really central sitting and behind the eyes. This sensation quickly built up and within minutes I was fully immersed in her effect.

She weaves a wonderful web, a smile upon my face and my worries of the day faded away and subsided into the wonderful effect of this little lady. She continued to ease the mind for a few hours and slowly drops off into the upper body.

A very impressive effect for an auto and thoroughly enjoyable experience. I have grown outdoors for several decades and seldom grow the same cultivar year after year unless it has the special qualities I like.

Yes I will be growing Auto Euforia again next year!

First time Dutch Passion grower left highly impressed with the Auto Euforia genetics

Auto Euforia blog the greatest comeback autoflower grown by Oldford UK420 outdoors UK

All-in-all, this was an impressive and perhaps surprising result. Autoflower seeds have earned their reputation for toughness, but Auto Euforia went above and beyond the call of duty to come back from a near-death experience and still fill the jars with top quality skunk buds.

THC levels an Auto Euforia are very high, around 20% in good conditions. Her many repeat growers adore the unusually powerful and breathtakingly euphoric effects, which is where Auto Euforia acquired her name.

One other great feature of autoflower seeds is their speed of growth. For growers in borderline conditions or those with short/unpredictable summer weather, autoflower strains are a great way to guarantee a summer harvest.

UK growers often germinate their autoflower seeds in May and enjoy a mid/late summer harvest well before the cold autumn/fall weather arrives. For those growers who can’t always guarantee a mild end to their summer, autoflower seeds are the perfect option. Growers in warm climates can achieve 2 or even 3 successive outdoor autoflower harvests per year.

OldFord summarised his first experience growing his Dutch Passion Auto Euforia cannabis seed:

A hard-as-nails medium-sized auto that went above and beyond to romp home outdoors in shitty weather. I couldn’t ask for more. Here’s to some Auto Euforia upon my first sample after a strict burp & cure! My first Dutch Passion grow and highly impressed.

Whether you want to browse the entire Auto Euforia “grow and show” by OldFord, get assistance from our expert grower @Antonio_DutchPassion or participate in exclusive growing contests, head to the UK420 forum!

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Old Ford UK420
    27/10/2022 18:04

    Love it guys !!! Just seeing her in her full glory again makes me smile 🙂
    She was a joy to grow and looking forward to seeing what i can do with her next year with NO slug damage , going to be an interesting run for sure.
    The Passion #1 pics & report will be coming your way soon … sneak preview … impressive guys.
    A huge Thank You to the Dutch Passion Team & Antonio for the breeding & opportunity.
    Old Ford


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