Auto Mazar epic 715g indoor harvest by Canney

As a beginner grower, I would tend to buy cannabis strains that were way too demanding, only to find during the grow that things weren’t going so well. If only I had known about Auto Mazar back then. One of Dutch Passion’s best sellers, robust and forgiving, heavy yields and sticky harvests with a fantastic taste. In the following review, I would like to tell you about my Auto Mazar grow, which was not too long ago. Read what is possible with such a strain when you are no longer a beginner.

Customer grow review and pictures by Canney

As a beginner grower, I would tend to buy cannabis strains that were way too demanding, only to find during the grow that things weren’t going so well. If only I had known about Auto Mazar back then. One of Dutch Passion’s best sellers, robust and forgiving, heavy yields and sticky harvests with a fantastic taste. In the following review, I would like to tell you about my Auto Mazar grow, which was not too long ago. Read what is possible with such a strain when you are no longer a beginner.

Customer grow review and pictures by Canney

Auto Mazar cultivation data

  • Genetics: 10 x Auto Mazar by Dutch Passion Seed Company
  • Germination to harvest: 72 days
  • Grow Medium: Bio Bizz Light mix in 9 litre pots
  • LED Light: Sanlight S2W in the seedling phase, 3 Sanlight Q4 modules later on
  • Temperature: 21-25°C
  • pH: 6.0-6.3
  • Irrigation: By hand
  • Humidity: 37-62%. Up to 84% during the seedling phase
  • Basic fertilizer: Bio Vega and Bio Flores from Biocanna
  • Booster: Biorhizotonic and Bioboost from Biocanna. Photosynthesis Plus from Microbe
  • Height: 78-89cm
  • Total yield: 715 g

Auto Mazar cultivation data

  • Genetics: 10 x Auto Mazar by Dutch Passion Seed Company
  • Germination to harvest: 72 days
  • Grow Medium: Bio Bizz Light mix in 9 litre pots
  • LED Light: Sanlight S2W in the seedling phase, 3 Sanlight Q4 modules later on
  • Temperature: 21-25°C
  • pH: 6.0-6.3
  • Irrigation: By hand
  • Humidity: 37-62%. Up to 84% during the seedling phase
  • Basic fertilizer: Bio Vega and Bio Flores from Biocanna
  • Booster: Biorhizotonic and Bioboost from Biocanna. Photosynthesis Plus from Microbe
  • Height: 78-89cm
  • Total yield: 715 g

Auto Mazar, proven autoflower seeds with a particularly wide grow latitude

One characteristic of Auto Mazar is the compact growth of the plant in a fir tree-like structure with many side shoots and potent buds. Dutch Passion has labeled Auto Mazar as an XL strain, which means a high yield can be expected.

It takes about ten weeks from seed germination to harvest and usually reaches a height of 80 cm. The plant structure does not lend itself to trimming or topping. The main bloom, in particular, packs a punch and should definitely be left to develop.

The ten autoflower seeds were immediately put into a glass of water and were allowed to soak until a small root emerged. All the seeds were then placed on a cotton pad that had been properly moistened beforehand. I placed everything in a ziplock bag and put it in a warm and dark corner.

After cleaning some old soil and root residues from my previous grow, I filled ten 9-litre pots with a light mix soil and water. This organic soil gives me the freedom to decide how much fertilizer to add to the growing plants. There is only enough fertilizer in the soil for the first 14 days.

The cannabis seeds germinating on the cotton pad had now developed longer tap roots and were ready for their next step. I put them in holes about two to three centimetres deep and very carefully covered everything with soil. It is important not to press down the soil, because the still young seedlings are very delicate and can quickly wither.

Auto Mazar, proven autoflower seeds with a particularly wide grow latitude

One characteristic of Auto Mazar is the compact growth of the plant in a fir tree-like structure with many side shoots and potent buds. Dutch Passion has labeled Auto Mazar as an XL strain, which means a high yield can be expected.

It takes about ten weeks from seed germination to harvest and usually reaches a height of 80 cm. The plant structure does not lend itself to trimming or topping. The main bloom, in particular, packs a punch and should definitely be left to develop.

The ten autoflower seeds were immediately put into a glass of water and were allowed to soak until a small root emerged. All the seeds were then placed on a cotton pad that had been properly moistened beforehand. I placed everything in a ziplock bag and put it in a warm and dark corner.

After cleaning some old soil and root residues from my previous grow, I filled ten 9-litre pots with a light mix soil and water. This organic soil gives me the freedom to decide how much fertilizer to add to the growing plants. There is only enough fertilizer in the soil for the first 14 days.

The cannabis seeds germinating on the cotton pad had now developed longer tap roots and were ready for their next step. I put them in holes about two to three centimetres deep and very carefully covered everything with soil. It is important not to press down the soil, because the still young seedlings are very delicate and can quickly wither.

Auto Mazar grow journal by Canney

Auto Mazar seedlings grown under 24-hour LED light

For the initial part of the grow I used an S2W LED module from Sanlight. The light was initially on for 24 hours. I went over it twice a day with the spray bottle to keep everything moist. Since I never plant the seeds very deeply at the beginning, there is a risk that the soil around the seeds will dry out quickly. That too would be quite a disaster at the beginning of a grow. 

After about six days, all the seeds had their heads in the open. Here and there I had to help to shed the seed shells. The first pair of cotyledon (‘baby’) leaves provides nutrients for the seedlings since the roots are not yet sufficiently developed to absorb nutrients from the soil. I turned the light on for 20 hours and ran my fan on the lowest setting. In addition, I switched on the air-circulation fan, because in nature the wind does not take the young plants into consideration.

During the first few days usually not much happens and you have to be patient. Daily spraying is completely sufficient. Of course, it never hurts to talk to your plants and spread positive vibes. I myself often compliment my plants and tell them how beautiful and amazing I think they are.

After about ten days, tiny Christmas trees had developed, which were now getting their first real nutrients. In addition to Bio Vega, a growth fertilizer, the plants also received a shot of Bio Boost, which supports the plants in their various phases. There was also a sip of Biorhizotonic, which promotes and accelerates root formation. Finally, I measured the pH value and settled it between 6.0 and 6.3.

In addition to the fertilisers, there was a foul-smelling product full of bacteria and fungi. I affectionately call it cess-pit essence. But it promotes more effective and faster absorption of nutrients and makes itself felt. In the meantime I had replaced my Sanlight S2W LED module with a Q4W module.

First signs of pre-flower 21 days after autoflower seed germination

On day 21 I noticed that some of the plants were already pre-flowering and I began to add flowering nutrients. Another identical LED module found its place in my tent, which is 2.4 meters by 1.2 meters. I always have a chair in my tent and spend a lot of time there. The plants only take up half the tent and I use the other half to store my tools and make myself comfortable.

With the beginning of flowering, the side shoots just shot up into the sky. The main shoots also developed rapidly and the ten Auto Mazar plants became very bushy. The fan leaves developed into hand-sized leaves within days. Here and there I removed a few leaves, otherwise too little light would have reached the lower third. The tips of the shoots started to get hairier, and at this stage the scent of cannabis started to increase as well.

On day 30 I hung the third Q4W LED module in my tent. Three lamps of this size naturally generate a corresponding amount of heat. On the one hand, this means that the plants transpire significantly more and develop a greater need for water. On the other hand, the room in which my tent is standing becomes warmer and wetter. Up to now it was enough if the window was only tilted open. Now I needed a little draught, especially to dissipate the moisture.

At this point we make a jump to day 50. The blooms developed very well and it was easy to see  very early on that a heavy harvest would result. The blossoms were still shimmering snow-white and only a few amber-coloured hairs could be seen. At this point I had to water about 1.5 litres in about two to three days to quench the plants’ thirst.

I also started removing larger leaves, not all at once, but every few days. In this way, the plants were able to recover and were not so badly affected by the defoliation. The need for nutrients had also reached its peak and meanwhile I had to adjust the pH value of my nutrient mixture upwards. The temperature of my irrigation water is usually around 20 degrees.

Coping with summer heat during bloom

In the meantime, we had a couple of very hot days and since the lights were on 20 hours a day it inevitably got warm. So I had to organise myself well. Every night just before I went to sleep, I threw open all the windows and let the cold air in. Luckily, I live on the edge of the forest and even on very hot days it always cools down a lot at night. I also repeated the ventilation process before 7 a.m. in the morning and then closed all the shutters so that the sun did not heat up the rooms during the day. So I got through this time quite well and was really happy when it got cooler again.

On day 64 I had beautiful and compact buds covered in a lot of resin. I had already watered for the final time with pure water (no nutrients) and now repeated this. From day 67 there was no water at all and on day 70 the lights went on for the last time. After the lights went out, I left the mature plants in the dark for almost two days. This will shock the plants and stimulate increased resin release with the last ounce of strength they have. The largest plant was almost 90 cm tall.

I prepared for the harvest. Since I had suffered a slight injury to my hand while doing sports, I got support from a very good friend, who occasionally took over during my holiday and watered the plants. Of course, it is advisable to only reveal yourself to real friends who you can assume will keep their mouths shut, even if you are no longer friends at some point. Ideally, you keep everything to yourself, but all growers know how difficult this can be. Especially when you are proud of your end product.

First of all we prepared a “picnic basket” in which there were snacks and drinks as well as some pre-rolled spliffs. The floor of the tent was covered with foil and then the Bluetooth sound box was placed.

We sat in the tent and sharpened our scissors. To chilled vibes we got to work. I was able to do the rough trimming work quite well. I separated the individual shoots and disassembled everything into its individual parts. I then removed the larger and middle leaves and passed them on to my friend and colleague who then went over them with the scissors and trimmed everything down.

The sugar leaves stayed on, of course. The separated flowers were spread out on nets. In between we took breaks – it took a few hours until we were done. My helper wasn’t particularly experienced when it came to harvesting and I was unfortunately very limited when it came to fine motor skills.

5 hour Auto Mazar harvest marathon

After a little over five hours we were through with the harvest. The tent was cleaned immediately. As I left, I turned off the lights and turned the fan down to keep the freshly cut buds from drying too quickly.

Two days later, I turned the larger flowers and cut off a little here and there. Another four days later everything was so dry that everything went into airtight boxes. Of course you know that there is still a lot of moisture inside the flowers, which you can get out so well. After about ten hours I laid everything out on the nets again and repeated this process a couple of times. Finally, I just opened the boxes and let the buds breathe a bit.

The harvest had reached a stage where it was possible to taste it after a total of 13 days. I invited my harvester over and after we downed a homemade pizza, we each rolled a generously filled joint and we sat in my garden.

My fingers were extremely sticky when I was crumbling the flowers. A lovely Kush scent rose. I added a pinch of natural tobacco and lit the joint. The first puffs were very intense and pushed me properly into the garden chair. My eyes watered a little and I got very stoned pretty quickly, which was a clear indication of the potency – because I can tolerate quite a bit now. Strong aromas of lemon and pine rounded off the very pleasant Kush flavor and we sat outside for some time, smoking a joint or two.

With a total of 715g I was extremely satisfied and had covered my needs and those of a few other people for the next few weeks and months. Dutch Passion didn’t promise too much. I can recommend this strain to every beginner grower, but also to advanced home gardeners. With more passion and dedication, there are bound to be completely different results. A strain with a lot of potential. And since I’m so excited, I’ve made it a point to get the photoperiod big sister of Auto Mazar (original Mazar) and then after a few other grows I will grow the original as well.

Auto Mazar grow journal by Canney

Auto Mazar seedlings grown under 24-hour LED light

For the initial part of the grow I used an S2W LED module from Sanlight. The light was initially on for 24 hours. I went over it twice a day with the spray bottle to keep everything moist. Since I never plant the seeds very deeply at the beginning, there is a risk that the soil around the seeds will dry out quickly. That too would be quite a disaster at the beginning of a grow. 

After about six days, all the seeds had their heads in the open. Here and there I had to help to shed the seed shells. The first pair of cotyledon (‘baby’) leaves provides nutrients for the seedlings since the roots are not yet sufficiently developed to absorb nutrients from the soil. I turned the light on for 20 hours and ran my fan on the lowest setting. In addition, I switched on the air-circulation fan, because in nature the wind does not take the young plants into consideration.

During the first few days usually not much happens and you have to be patient. Daily spraying is completely sufficient. Of course, it never hurts to talk to your plants and spread positive vibes. I myself often compliment my plants and tell them how beautiful and amazing I think they are.

After about ten days, tiny Christmas trees had developed, which were now getting their first real nutrients. In addition to Bio Vega, a growth fertilizer, the plants also received a shot of Bio Boost, which supports the plants in their various phases. There was also a sip of Biorhizotonic, which promotes and accelerates root formation. Finally, I measured the pH value and settled it between 6.0 and 6.3.

In addition to the fertilisers, there was a foul-smelling product full of bacteria and fungi. I affectionately call it cess-pit essence. But it promotes more effective and faster absorption of nutrients and makes itself felt. In the meantime I had replaced my Sanlight S2W LED module with a Q4W module.

First signs of pre-flower 21 days after autoflower seed germination

On day 21 I noticed that some of the plants were already pre-flowering and I began to add flowering nutrients. Another identical LED module found its place in my tent, which is 2.4 meters by 1.2 meters. I always have a chair in my tent and spend a lot of time there. The plants only take up half the tent and I use the other half to store my tools and make myself comfortable.

With the beginning of flowering, the side shoots just shot up into the sky. The main shoots also developed rapidly and the ten Auto Mazar plants became very bushy. The fan leaves developed into hand-sized leaves within days. Here and there I removed a few leaves, otherwise too little light would have reached the lower third. The tips of the shoots started to get hairier, and at this stage the scent of cannabis started to increase as well.

On day 30 I hung the third Q4W LED module in my tent. Three lamps of this size naturally generate a corresponding amount of heat. On the one hand, this means that the plants transpire significantly more and develop a greater need for water. On the other hand, the room in which my tent is standing becomes warmer and wetter. Up to now it was enough if the window was only tilted open. Now I needed a little draught, especially to dissipate the moisture.

At this point we make a jump to day 50. The blooms developed very well and it was easy to see  very early on that a heavy harvest would result. The blossoms were still shimmering snow-white and only a few amber-coloured hairs could be seen. At this point I had to water about 1.5 litres in about two to three days to quench the plants’ thirst.

I also started removing larger leaves, not all at once, but every few days. In this way, the plants were able to recover and were not so badly affected by the defoliation. The need for nutrients had also reached its peak and meanwhile I had to adjust the pH value of my nutrient mixture upwards. The temperature of my irrigation water is usually around 20 degrees.

Coping with summer heat during bloom

In the meantime, we had a couple of very hot days and since the lights were on 20 hours a day it inevitably got warm. So I had to organise myself well. Every night just before I went to sleep, I threw open all the windows and let the cold air in.

Luckily, I live on the edge of the forest and even on very hot days it always cools down a lot at night. I also repeated the ventilation process before 7 a.m. in the morning and then closed all the shutters so that the sun did not heat up the rooms during the day. So I got through this time quite well and was really happy when it got cooler again.

On day 64 I had beautiful and compact buds covered in a lot of resin. I had already watered for the final time with pure water (no nutrients) and now repeated this. From day 67 there was no water at all and on day 70 the lights went on for the last time.

After the lights went out, I left the mature plants in the dark for almost two days. This will shock the plants and stimulate increased resin release with the last ounce of strength they have. The largest plant was almost 90 cm tall.

I prepared for the harvest. Since I had suffered a slight injury to my hand while doing sports, I got support from a very good friend, who occasionally took over during my holiday and watered the plants.

Of course, it is advisable to only reveal yourself to real friends who you can assume will keep their mouths shut, even if you are no longer friends at some point. Ideally, you keep everything to yourself, but all growers know how difficult this can be. Especially when you are proud of your end product.

First of all we prepared a “picnic basket” in which there were snacks and drinks as well as some pre-rolled spliffs. The floor of the tent was covered with foil and then the Bluetooth sound box was placed. We sat in the tent and sharpened our scissors. To chilled vibes we got to work.

I was able to do the rough trimming work quite well. I separated the individual shoots and disassembled everything into its individual parts. I then removed the larger and middle leaves and passed them on to my friend and colleague who then went over them with the scissors and trimmed everything down.

The sugar leaves stayed on, of course. The separated flowers were spread out on nets. In between we took breaks – it took a few hours until we were done. My helper wasn’t particularly experienced when it came to harvesting and I was unfortunately very limited when it came to fine motor skills.

5 hour Auto Mazar harvest marathon

After a little over five hours we were through with the harvest. The tent was cleaned immediately. As I left, I turned off the lights and turned the fan down to keep the freshly cut buds from drying too quickly.

Two days later, I turned the larger flowers and cut off a little here and there. Another four days later everything was so dry that everything went into airtight boxes. Of course you know that there is still a lot of moisture inside the flowers, which you can get out so well. After about ten hours I laid everything out on the nets again and repeated this process a couple of times. Finally, I just opened the boxes and let the buds breathe a bit.

The harvest had reached a stage where it was possible to taste it after a total of 13 days. I invited my harvester over and after we downed a homemade pizza, we each rolled a generously filled joint and we sat in my garden.

My fingers were extremely sticky when I was crumbling the flowers. A lovely Kush scent rose. I added a pinch of natural tobacco and lit the joint. The first puffs were very intense and pushed me properly into the garden chair.

My eyes watered a little and I got very stoned pretty quickly, which was a clear indication of the potency – because I can tolerate quite a bit now. Strong aromas of lemon and pine rounded off the very pleasant Kush flavor and we sat outside for some time, smoking a joint or two.

With a total of 715g I was extremely satisfied and had covered my needs and those of a few other people for the next few weeks and months. Dutch Passion didn’t promise too much. I can recommend this strain to every beginner grower, but also to advanced home gardeners. With more passion and dedication, there are bound to be completely different results.

A strain with a lot of potential. And since I’m so excited, I’ve made it a point to get the photoperiod big sister of Auto Mazar (original Mazar) and then after a few other grows I will grow the original as well.

Highly competent growing with some of our favourite all-time cannabis genetics

Congratulations to Canney on a very well executed Auto Mazar grow. Original Mazar & Auto Mazar genetics are some of the most popular repeat orders in the entire Dutch Passion collection. The Mazar name is synonymous with banging potency – and that’s why so many people rely on her.

Many customers grow Auto Mazar as one of their predictable go-to strains, in complete confidence that they will combine serious potency with unusually generous yields. Once you have experienced how tough and easy these cannabis seeds are to grow they will likely earn a place in your fridge too!

715g from 10 plants in a tent is a highly respectable haul. The Dutch Passion team were pleased to hear that Canney will try growing the photoperiod version of Mazar after his success with the auto version. Perhaps the only criticism that could be made of the Mazar genetics is that the penetrating aroma is somewhat more pungent than that from your usual varieties.

Therefore, growers will benefit from a quality carbon filter and jars with good air-tight seals. Auto Mazar is a long-standing staff favourite strain, once discovered never forgotten!

Highly competent growing with some of our favourite all-time cannabis genetics

Congratulations to Canney on a very well executed Auto Mazar grow. Original Mazar & Auto Mazar genetics are some of the most popular repeat orders in the entire Dutch Passion collection. The Mazar name is synonymous with banging potency – and that’s why so many people rely on her. Many customers grow Auto Mazar as one of their predictable go-to strains, in complete confidence that they will combine serious potency with unusually generous yields. Once you have experienced how tough and easy these cannabis seeds are to grow they will likely earn a place in your fridge too!

715g from 10 plants in a tent is a highly respectable haul. The Dutch Passion team were pleased to hear that Canney will try growing the photoperiod version of Mazar after his success with the auto version.

Perhaps the only criticism that could be made of the Mazar genetics is that the penetrating aroma is somewhat more pungent than that from your usual varieties. Growers will benefit from a quality carbon filter and jars with good air-tight seals. Auto Mazar is a long-standing staff favourite strain, once discovered never forgotten!

Auto Mazar grown indoors in pictures

Auto Mazar, autoflower seeds that suit the beginner as well as the expert grower

Auto Mazar has long been an essential strain on the Dutch Passion bestseller list. This is a classic autoflowering strain that ideally should be grown under 20 hours of daily light. As a thank you for being allowed to grow under the artificial sun for so long, Auto Mazar delivers very potent cannabis that easily holds it’s own in terms of quality when compared to that grown from feminised cannabis seeds. The taste and smell of this plant is strongly reminiscent of typical Afghan hashish strains with kush tendencies. Accompanied by citrus aromas, this is weed that connoisseurs will enjoy.

This strain is particularly suitable for many novice home growers because of its ease of cultivation and the possibility of growing her in a wide variety of conditions. Both indoors and outdoors you can work successfully with this strain. Dutch Passion states that 50 to 100g per plant can be achieved without much previous experience, because even beginner’s mistakes are easily forgiven by Auto Mazar.

Auto Mazar is the child of the original Mazar strain crossed with an indica-dominant autoflower. The original Mazar, on the other hand, is the result of crossing an Afghani with the legendary Skunk #1. This lays the foundation for quality autoflowering genetics. The first results on the way to the Auto Mazar were not necessarily satisfactory, as they often remained very small. However, patience and time have allowed this wonderful strain to find its way to success.

Alongside Auto Ultimate, Auto Euforia and Auto Duck, Auto Mazar is one of Dutch Passion’s most successful outdoor autoflowering strains. Personally, I’ve always focused on growing indoors, but that’s only because I don’t have the ability to grow outdoors in safe conditions.

About the grower

The original Auto Mazar grow report was published on THCENE 5/2021, and comes courtsey of Canney, a social worker with a passion for growing cannabis and writing. After nearly a decade of experience, this “semi-professional home grower” combined his two hobbies and regularly publishes diaries from seed to harvest on the THCENE magazine.

About the grower

The original Auto Mazar grow report was published on THCENE 5/2021, and comes courtsey of Canney, a social worker with a passion for growing cannabis and writing. After nearly a decade of experience, this “semi-professional home grower” combined his two hobbies and regularly publishes diaries from seed to harvest on the THCENE magazine.

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