Important info's to grow cannabis outdoors

Medical & recreational cannabis from outdoor plants

This weeks blog tells you some important info’s you need to know to make it easy to grow your own cannabis outdoors.

Lots of people grow all their medical / recreational cannabis from a few outdoor plants.  Its far easier than many people realise and with the right seeds / conditions it is quite possible to get hundreds of grams of dried cannabis from a single plant.

Important info's to grow cannabis outdoors

Plan the grow location

Planning the grow location is the first step of these important info’s to grow cannabis outdoors successfully. You will need to find a safe and secure location to grow your plants.  Many people find a secluded place in the countryside, perhaps in the forests, the fields or by a river bank.  Some people will be lucky enough to have a private garden or greenhouse which is suitable. 

The main goal is to find a place which will not be disturbed by other people or animals (e.g. deer, rabbits, goats etc).  An area surrounded by brambles is a good way to keep deer and goats away.  Rabbits can be kept away from your plants with a protective barrier of chicken wire held in position by small tent pegs. 

In the Northern hemisphere the outdoor growing season is typically from April/May to September/October.  The southern hemisphere growing season runs from around September to March. Once you have a good outdoor grow location it will often provide years of use.  

Important info's to grow cannabis outdoors

Optimise the growing conditions

Cannabis plants need as much sunlight as possible, choose a sheltered grow location that receives plenty of direct sunlight with reasonable quality soil.  Many people improve the soil by adding compost, manure, fertilisers etc. Digging the soil will to improve the structure and aeration. 

Important info's to grow cannabis outdoors

Choose proven outdoor cannabis seeds

5-10 seeds of a good quality outdoor variety is often enough to provide you with a years supply of cannabis.  Choose the seed variety well, this is one area of your life where you really do not need to compromise. 

The most popular Dutch Passion outdoor varieties include Frisian Dew, Durban Poison, Passion #1, and Frisian Duck.  Our full outdoor seed collection is here

Two of our varieties are worth a special recommendation; Frisian Duck is a unique outdoor variety with leaves that do not look like traditional cannabis. 

This means your plants are less likely to be noticed by people.  Frisian Dew is an established outdoor variety, it is tough enough to survive the northern european summer and productive enough to yield over a kilo of dry buds in optimum conditions.

Important info's to grow cannabis outdoors

Getting started

Most outdoor growers germinate the seeds at home and look after the seedlings during the first couple of weeks when they are most vulnerable.  The seeds are then taken to their final grow location and planted after the last frost has gone. 

Its normal to initially give them plenty of water which allows the roots to become established.  


Thats the hard work done.  Now you just need to let nature take over.  Some growers prefer not to visit the plants too often in case it leaves an obvious pathway to the grow location.  However you may wish to make an occasional check on the plants to remove any weeds/vegetation that is getting in the way of your cannabis plants. 

In times of mid-summer drought you may need to take some water to the plants.  And of course you will need to visit the plants to chop them down at harvest time.

Growing your own cannabis outdoors really is easy.  If you haven’t tried it then this could be a good year to start.

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