Mokum’s Tulip indoor grow review in Autopots and a Wilma system with LED lights

Mokum’s Tulip indoor grow review in Autopots and a Wilma system with LED lights

In this week’s grow, the Urban Growers Collective grew Mokum’s Tulip in a SCROG style grow in AutoPots and a Wilma system. AutoPots are a gravity supplied, self-feeding cultivation system. Wilma systems are hydroponic using dripper to supply plants with nutrients. All photos were supplied by Antonio. Sit back and enjoy the read while discovering how the UGC pheno-hunt ended up with two back-to-back Cannabis Cup wins.

Mokum’s Tulip is one of Dutch Passion’s best new feminised strains of recent years. It’s a cannabis cup winning cross of two of the most outstanding USA strains of recent years, Gelato and Sherbet, and part of the Classics cannabis seed collection. With such illustrious parent genetics the THC levels can be around and perhaps above 20% making this a seriously powerful indica.

But many of the repeat growers choose to grow Mokum’s Tulip for the sensational taste and aroma. It’s a sweet, mouth watering taste of fruity Gelato. This is one for the connoisseurs who love the finest terpene profiles.

Mokum's Tulip is cannabis cup winning cross of Gelato and Sherbet

Grow Details

VarietyMokum’s Tulip
Cannabis seed typePhotoperiod feminised cannabis seeds
Number of seeds10
Date of germinationDecember 2018
Germination rate90% (1 seed out of the original ten failed)
Germination duration4 days
Light cycle18 hours of daily light
Vegetative stageAround 7 weeks
Bloom stage8-9 weeks
Stretch during bloomLow/Medium stretch of 100-150%
Mokum's Tulip grown indoors in wilma system

Basic grow information

Grow room typeIndoor grow tent, Growtent R240
Grow room size240cm x 120cm
Plant containers8 plants selected for bloom. Four were in AutoPots of 25L. The other four in 25 litre containers in a Wilma dripper system
Grow mediumClay pebbles/coco for the Autopot. Clay pebbles with a rockwool cube with a pre-grown plant in it for the Wilma
NutrientsOrganic with Biotabs for the Autopot system/GHE Organics for the Wilma system
Grow systemWilma dripper & AutoPots
Grow techniqueSCROG method
Grow lightGrowspec Sunray 300 x 2 on the sides + a Telos 8 in the middle -> total of 840W of LED
Light distance to canopyAbout 50cm for the Growspec, about 45cm for the Telos

Mokum’s Tulip feminised seeds grow information

Germination stage

We germinated 10 Mokum’s Tulip seeds and had a 90% germination rate. One seed failed to pop, but these things can happen. Seeds are a natural product of course. Germination went a little slower than normal. Within 3 days most of the seeds had popped but only had a tiny little taproot, so we kept them in the cotton pads for another day (some 2 days) and then transferred them to their 0.25L pots for the pre-growth phase. We kept them there for about 3 weeks in total.

8 Mokum's Tulip plants were selected for bloom

Germinating cannabis seeds between cotton pads

How-to guide for the cannabis seedling stage

Vegetative Growth

We were super stoked that we got the opportunity to test and rate the Mokum’s Tulip variety by Dutch Passion just before it was released. Gelato crossed with Sherbert, who could say no to that! We already started germinating the seeds in December 2018 as soon as we got them, the plants were transferred to their new home after 3 weeks of 18/6 veg growth. Plants were a bit stretchy from the start because they had been standing pretty cramped (growing close to each other) in the pre-growth room.

We had used the Autopot XL system before, with great success. But the Wilma system was something new that we were going to test during this round. There were a total of 12 plants in the room, 8x Mokum’s Tulips and 4x Hifi 4G (another strain from Dutch Passion we tested). For the plants in the Wilma system we used a rockwool block in which we placed the pre-growth plant that was being grown in lightmix.

We didn’t fill up these 4 pots with clay pebbles yet as we wanted to see how the water system would work. This way we could also monitor to see if they would dry up during their first week. When the plants and their root system was established about 1,5 week later we filled up/topped off the remaining room in the pots with clay pebbles.

Within 5 weeks of 18/6 (from the moment we transferred them into their 0.25L pots) we put up some SCROG nets and let the plants grow through the net. Some pheno’s were a bit faster growing than others but in the end it seemed there were no major differences.

Mokum’s Tulip indoor grow in Autopots with LED lights

How-to guide for the cannabis vegetative growth stage

Flowering Phase

In total we gave all the plants about 7 weeks of vegetative growth before switching the clock to 12/12. The nets were placed at a height of 35cm from the top of the pot. Most of the Mokum’s Tulip plants didn’t have a big stretch and came to a standstill pretty quickly after they were put into flowering. There was only one phenotype that was still stretching in week 3 of bloom, all the others were already putting their focus into the flowers by then. We knew the flowering time was going to be quick too!

Mokum's Tulip close-up budshot by Antonio

Growing cannabis with the SCROG method (Screen Of Green)

All the plants got pretty round shaped white-haired flowers and resin production started early too. We experienced some nutrient issues with the plants that were grown in the Wilma system. We followed all the basic principles but didn’t have a ‘bio-filter system’ (which we found out later) that was kind of necessary for the microbes to have a colony in order to break down the nutrients so they would become (and stay) available to the plants.

At first, we thought it was mainly pH related issues but after cross checking it multiple times this couldn’t be the case. We made a little pot in the system with clay pebbles and coco where the colony of microbes could gather and start to grow. In the end it seemed to work because the nutrient issues on the leaves start to balance out and the plants were again growing like they normally would.

Unfortunately, the damaged leaves didn’t look that pretty anymore but once they are severely damaged you are kind of stuck with that appearance until the moment you harvest them.

We were glad the 4 plants in the Wilma system handled it pretty well, even though these were far from ideal conditions, the buds still developed nicely. Most the buds became pretty stacked and very round shaped. They had a favourable calyx-to-leaf ratio and were pretty firm and compact.

There was one phenotype that seemed a little more Sativa leaning than the others with slightly larger buds more prone to foxtailing. It still looked like a hybrid though. One of the things that all the plants shared was a thick and sticky resin layer that covered the buds. The sugar leaves were also completely covered in trichomes, with some of the phenotypes even the larger (fan) leaves had a thick resin coating!

How-to guide for the cannabis bloom phase

Phenotype delight with Mokum’s Tulip

Another thing they all shared, and in our opinion the most important characteristic of this strain, was the aroma. Man o man, these buds smell amazing! Picture yourself in an Ice cream parlour, age 10, smelling all those creamy, doughy and fruity types of gelato ice cream.

Your parents say you can only pick 2 scoops (3 when you were lucky) and you cannot decide which ones to take! Well, when growing these Gelato x Sherbet plants you will be sure to have all the choice you need! Some smell more like berry fruity gelato, others more orange/passion fruit gelato. Another very sweet and candy like one reminded us of Red Vodka, with those zesty blood orange terps. All had that signature gelato aroma.. mixed with something very pungent and fruity. We absolutely love it!

The goal for us was to find a special keeper that we could use to grow for cannabis cups and after completing this first round it wasn’t easy making a choice. We got it down to 4 different phenotypes as they all shared something special. #1, #3, #5 and #7. The first one, #1 was the odd one out, the slightly more Sativa leaning hybrid.

The second one #3 was one of our favourite ones from the start, especially aroma & taste wise. A very pungent gelato pheno with hints of grapefruit and oranges, fresh, zesty and pretty potent! She had a nice bag appeal too.

Number 5 was very creamy and more berry leaning, with probably the biggest buds. And number 7 was our Red Vodka pheno which we really loved because of the unique terpene profile it produced. A few more rounds with different lights and different conditions were needed to make that important final decision.

Mokum’s Tulip harvest report

Final Height in cm : Difficult to say because they were all being grown in a SCROG, but she is definitely a compact strain. Not the biggest stretch and not the fastest grower.

Calyx-leaf ratio (Easy trim/yes or no) :

Yes, a good calyx-to-leaf ratio, almost all of the phenotypes have just a few leaves in the buds making this a commercial bud which is pretty easy to manicure.

How to harvest, dry and cure cannabis

Quality (Resin/Smell/Compactness) :

Well, as we mentioned before, the quality is simply said outstanding. The aroma and taste of this strain are just out of this world! The flowers have a thick and sticky resin layer and even the trimmings are a delight to smoke. The buds are pretty compact and dense. Therefore, they put down quite some weight on the scale.

In terms of resin, the buds are completely covered in trichomes. But not only the buds get a thick coating, the leaves (both the sugar leaves as well as the fanleaves) of the plants were full of resin too making this a good strain if you want to create your own hash (also if you only want to use the trimmings).

She is just one of the tastiest varieties we have grown. The taste is exactly the same as the aroma, which is a great feature of this variety. It will definitely stick to your taste palate.

Making this is a good strain if you want to create your own hash (also if you only want to use the trimmings). She is just one of the tastiest varieties we have grown. The taste is exactly the same as the aroma, which is a great feature of this variety. It will definitely stick to your taste palate.

Mokum’s Tulip After Harvest report


A potential high yield with this strain is definitely there. The room yielded about 950g of dried buds, which was well over 1g/w even though there had been some issues with the Mokum’s Tulip plants that were grown in the Wilma system. The 4x Hifi 4G plant yielded a bit more on average per plant, these became a bit bigger too (since they didn’t experience any nutrient issues). In the end the Mokum’s Tulip yielded around 70g per plant on average, with some plants reaching around 100g per plant and a few others only 35-50g.

Even though the numbers of these lowest yielding plants weren’t that impressive we were still very pleased that they made it to the end and still managed to produce high quality buds. It proved that these seeds could handle quite some stress and they still produce a decent yield whilst staying stable at the same time.

Remarks after curing

Gelato all the way baby! These buds look very potent and smell incredibly pungent! Very creamy gelato dominant aroma, accompanied by that sweet & fruity candy-like aroma of the Sunset Sherbet parent. These buds are straight fire! It’s a great strain for if you want to do a pheno-hunt. You should be able to find that type of ice cream-infused flower that will exactly suit your needs!

Mokum's Tulip feminised cannabis seeds

Type: Feminised seeds

Genetics: Gelato X Sherbet

Family: Classics

Plant type: Hybrid

THC: 15-20%

Flowering: 8 weeks

Yield: XL

Aroma★★★★★ (5 stars)
Taste★★★★★ (5 stars)
Effect★★★★☆ (4 stars)
Bag appeal★★★★½ (4,5 stars)
Overall rating★★★★½ (4,5 stars)

Mokum’s Tulip pheno-hunt and Cannabis Cup wins

Mokum’s Tulip is a true connoisseurs delight. That aroma and taste is just hard to beat. The plants all have something unique to show. There are still some differences to be found in the different phenotypes but this will give every grower the opportunity to find a plant that will precisely fit their needs!

We started our pheno-hunt during this round and ended it with 4 special ones. Making a first choice was very hard…. Our 2 favorites were our Mokum’s Tulip #3 and Mokum’s Tulip #7. But the #1 and #5 both showed unique characteristics and great potential so we kept these 4 pheno’s to start several new rounds at the same time to find the best and most suitable plants.

Our Mokum’s Tulip #3 proved to be a real winner. After the second grow we were very pleased with the harvested buds. Great bag appeal, frosty, vivid orange pistils and that amazingly fruity, candy-like, zesty and creamy gelato aroma.

This became the phenotype that competed at the Clouds in the City Cup 2019 and took 1st prize in the Indica category! The year after we grew the same phenotype again and let her compete at the Dutch Flowers Cup 2020 – Stay home Edition and it managed to take 2nd prize in the Hybrid category… wow we couldn’t have been more happier! It shows the massive potential of this variety when she is grown correctly.

This is a real DP classic, a powerhouse strain between Gelato and Sunset Sherbet. If you’re looking for some smokeable Gelato Ice cream then Mokum’s Tulip is the strain you need!

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