Dutch Passion Frisian Duck grow review

Easy outdoor cannabis growing

Dutch Passion Frisian Duck continues to impress outdoor growers.  Its a feminized photoperiod outdoor cannabis variety which is really easy to grow.  The unusual leaf shape means it is difficult to identify as cannabis until the last month of its life when the buds form.  Outdoor yields are well above average, and no growing experience is required.  If you have never grown cannabis outdoors then Frisian Duck is a great variety to start with.

This weeks blog shows how ‘The Joker’ grew 3 large Dutch Passion Frisian Duck plants on a rooftop terrace in Northern Europe in the summer of 2016.  The Joker bought a 3-pack of Frisian Duck seeds and germinated them indoors under LED light.  By growing the Frisian Duck plants indoors for a few weeks the plants were able to get the best possible start, this allows larger final harvest amounts.


High THC outdoor cannabis growing

When the weather had warmed up, and the last frost of spring had gone, The Joker planted out his Frisian Duck plants on his rooftop terrace.  Large plant containers were used, this allows the plants to grow extensive root networks and produce large harvests.  A large plant container also minimises the need to worry about watering and feeding.

The Joker also maximised his final harvest by tying down the branches of his plants using string. Notice how the lower branches come our horizontally, allowing the plant more space to grow and allowing sunlight more chance to reach the plant core.

The Frisian Duck looks like any other plant

The Joker also joined forces with two friends who also grew some Dutch Passion Frisian Ducks.  ‘Caravan Sam’ grew his Frisian Ducks in his back garden next to his caravan.  Although the cannabis plants were visible to his neighbours the plants made it safely to harvest.  This is probably because the Frisian Duck plants look just like any other garden plant for the first few months until the blooms become large. 

Above and below Frisian Ducks grown in a back garden near the caravan

Outdoor growing is most cost effective way

Although many people prefer to grow cannabis indoors, outdoor growing is the most cost effective way to grow.  The only real costs are the seeds, the compost, and perhaps a bottle of general purpose fertilizer.  The Joker, and his friends, grew several hundred grams of cannabis very easily for practically no cost.  Frisian Duck requires no special care, once it has germinated Frisian Duck grows robustly with no help.  And as many outdoor growers will tell you, outdoor grown cannabis seems to get extra potency from the natural sunlight.  Frisian Duck produces a balanced, strong high.  And the buds often have beautiful shades of blue and purple.

Top tips for outdoor cannabis growing

  • Choose the best seeds you can get, the genetics are a small cost in the overall grow but they have the biggest influence on your final cannabis quality.

  • Start the seeds indoors under artificial light. Many professional outdoor cannabis growers often give their plants a month or two of indoor growing before taking the plants outdoors into the spring sunshine. This allows the young plant the best possible start with 18+ hours of daily light in a warm environment.  As the outdoor weather warms up, start acclimatising the plants to the outdoors during daylight. Bring the plants in at night to protect them from the cold until they are more used to the outdoors.  After a week or two of acclimatising the plants, when the weather is settled put the plants permanently outdoors in their final outdoor home, or in the greenhouse.

  • Train the plant branches using string.  It doesn’t damage the plant. Tying down the branches opens up the plant structure to sunlight.  This allows more branches to produce large heavy blooms.  Another advantage of tying the branches down is to reduce risk of mold damage thanks to better air movement in the middle of the plant.  Tying down the branches also allows the grower to control the final plant hight, this can be important to urban growers who want to keep their monster Dutch Passion plants short enough to hide inside the greenhouse or behind the garden fence.

Outdoor Dutch Passion cannabis growing made easy

Congratulations to The Joker and his friends on a successful harvest, showing how easy it is to get a crop of Frisian Duck cannabis in a city.  The only complaint about the grow was that it took many hours to trim and prepare the harvest!  The Joker commented that Frisian Duck was very resistant to pest and mold, however he did comment that caterpillars enjoyed eating the Frisian Duck leaves.  This actually made the job of harvesting a little bit easier!

The Frisian Duck plants were anonymous looking and easy to grow, with none of the plants being stolen or taken.  And Frisian Duck is an easy cannabis variety to grow, even if you have never grown cannabis before you will get a good crop from this proven, tough, feminized outdoor photoperiod variety.


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