Frisian Duck Camouflage cannabis

Frisian Duck Camouflage cannabis
Frisian Duck is a new feminized outdoor Dutch Passion cannabis variety, which is called camouflage cannabis for it’s strange camouflaged leafs.
most people would never guess it is cannabis. Frisian Duck is cannabis in disguise thanks to the weird leaf shape which looks like a ducks foot.
Without the highly distinctive traditional cannabis leaf people simply fail to recognise Frisian Duck plants as cannabis. During the first 4 months (vegetive growth for the outdoor grower) most people would walk straight past Frisian Duck and never realise it is cannabis.
This is the only variety of cannabis seed we have ever sold where experienced growers have mailed us asking if we are sure that this really is cannabis, thats how strange the leaf shape is.

Frisian Duck & great harvests
In its first year of sales Frisian Duck probably got us more feedback than any other new variety in recent times. Frisian Duck has revolutionised thinking for urban cannabis growers. People that have never grown cannabis outdoors at home before are now able to get great harvests with confidence whether they are growing on the roof, a balcony, the back garden, a greenhouse or a poly tunnel.
The safety of growing with disguised leaves reduces the nervousness and risk that some people feel about growing at home or nearby, The only time the experienced eye might recognise Frisian Duck as cannabis is around harvest time when the blooms have reached maximum size.
In the Northern Hemisphere harvest time is around the start of October, in the southern hemisphere harvest is around the start of April.

Above and below you see a Dutch Pasison Frisian Duck at harvest, showing a good harvest from a dull, cool 2015 northern European summer

Smoke quality & citrus taste
Smoke quality is good with a citrus taste and a scent of fresh forests, harvest quantities are above average for an outdoor variety. The plants can grow to an average of 2 metres outdoors, but in warm and sunny conditions she can reach 3m+ with very heavy yields of frosty and normally purple buds. Yields can vary between 100-500g per plant dependent on conditions.
Frisian Duck was created by crossing our established outdoor best-seller Frisian Dew with Ducksfoot. Ducks foot is a variety which grows strange shaped leaves but was never hardy enough to survive a Northern European summer until it was crossed with Frisian Dew.
Achieve the essential flowering qualities
It took several years of outdoor selective breeding in Holland to achieve the essential early flowering qualities and stabilise the unusual leaf shape. Although the strange leaf shape is of most obvious benefit to outdoor/greenhouse urban growers Frisian Duck also does grow well indoors.
Under artificial lights she starts to flower when daily lighting is reduced to 12 hours. Outdoors she starts to flower in August (Southern hemisphere bloom starts in February)

Above and below a Frisian Duck, which looks more like a nettle. Even experienced cannabis growers have questioned whether this variety is cannabis. The young plant (below) in vegative growth is simply unidentifiable as cannabis.

Comments from grower The Artist
The Artist grew her outdoors in Belgium with supermarket soil in a plant pot during the summer of 2015. It was a cool and cloudy summer in general. All photos in this weeks blog come from The Artist.
“I’ve grown some outdoor varieties before, AutoBlueberry (very smelly) and Think Different.”
“But I’ve never put too much effort in it, I’m more of a natural grower allowing nature to take its course, let it grow and see what happens. Watering it during hot times of course.”
“The Duck was germinated indoors at the end of May. In soil she sprouted the Dutch Passion way – very fast. Just a few days later I had a little seedling. I moved it outdoors pretty fast after that in a plant pot”

“I used basic fertilized earth from a garden centre, nothing special. From time to time I’ve added some dried fertiliser pellets made from cow dung. It was nice to see the plant grow with unusual leafs. It was not hard at all to grow this variety. In the end during flowering it did develop some yellow leafs though. But by that stage it only needed to flower for a few more weeks.”
“I liked the fact that the Frisian Duck did not smell very strong, so my neighbours would not be bothered by a strong smell or anything. Last year I grew AutoBlueberry from Dutch Passion and it smelled like crazy.”

Above and below great harvests of colourful Frisian Duck buds. When the buds are covered with (purple) trichomes you know the smoke quality is good.

“The dried Frisian Duck buds have a kinda fruity smell, kinda like the description on the site (a bit of citrus and fresh forest). Next time I think I will grow it in full earth, without the pot. If an experienced grower cultivated a Frisian Duck under perfect conditions it should be able to give amazing yields I think. But all natural conditions like mine also do fine”
Frisian Duck is a secret, camouflage cannabis variety which looks completely different to anything else you may have seen. She is tough enough for Northern European outdoor growers as far north as the UK & Denmark and is suitable for far-southern latitude growers too.
She is ready to harvest early, requires no maintenance and no-one will know what you are growing. The smoke quality is very good, many outdoor growers feel that natural sunlight gives cannabis a special ‘kick’ to the potency.
The heavy harvests and pretty coloured purple buds are a welcome bonus. The seeds are feminized traditional photoperiod and available in packs of 3, 5 or 10.

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I’ve grown this since it first came out. It is easy to grow – just water and feed basically. I put it in an Arizer ExtremeQ bowl with a more potent variety. Not only does this help to stretch out one’s supply of stronger medicine, it also gives the vape a better flavour. On its own, it is good day time medicine. I strongly recommend it.