The Ultimate Strain review by Clark French

don't miss out on THE ULTIMATE

The Ultimate strain review by Clark French

The Ultimate is one of Dutch Passions heaviest yielding varieties, she is a balanced 50% indica/50% sativa variety with a reputation for being easy and trouble free to grow.  The Ultimate is also a customer favourite, the heavy yields are probably the main reason why repeat growers choose this variety.

This weeks strain review comes from medical marijuana campaigner Clark French who is lobbying the UK Government to legalize cannabis for medical purposes.  Clark recently formed the United Patients Alliance who are meeting with UK Government ministers in an attempt to change UK law.  Here is his strain review.

big buds come as standard

Above and below, The Ultimate approaching harvest.  This variety is one of Dutch Passions heaviest yielders.  Resinous buds ensure a great smoke.

big buds

The following text comes from Clark:

“Appearance. Very elongated and huge bud formations. This bit (image below) is from one of those huge buds – quite dense with a very liberal covering of trichomes. Deep green leaf and a nice nearly lime green buds that have a hit of the foxtail calyx form. Loads of plumes of deep orange hairs erupt out of every calyx it looks really great.”

The Ultimate bud shot


“Aroma. Has quite a limited palate in comparison to some other Dutch Passion strains before you break it up smells musky and earthy. Though this really changes after you grind it and a real sweet almost tropical fruit comes out in the high notes and those low earthy tones become much more pronounced.”

frosty nuggets

The effects on The Ultimate

Clark adds some final views on the smoke/vape quality:

“Effects. I like The Ultimate’s effects.  It was great for smoking in sessions with my friends in social situations. Its not as effective as a CBD rich variety for my MS symptoms but I can definitely feel the difference. After medicating I can feel the pain and spasticity begin to go down and in general I feel better physically. The thing I think I liked most about the effect though is that it has a very calming feeling to it, I think that this would be a great strain for someone with anxiety as I do have problems with this from time to time and the ultimate sure feels like it would help in that situation. I haven’t had any anxiety problems for the short time I had a little of the ultimate in my life – this may be a coincidence or maybe because I was smoking it? who really knows.

Comments. Definitely a strain which I would like to try again – I’d like to keep a little then use it when I have problems with anxiety and really test how effective it is for me.”

long blooms

Above and below:  The blooms are heavy and long, adding up to harvests that are well above average

heavy looking blooms, typical of this variety

very sticky buds


Thanks to Clark for the strain review/smoke review of The Ultimate.  Anyone looking for recent grow reviews of The Ultimate can find them here and here.  Since The Ultimate is one of our customer favourites we also produce an automatic version, AutoUltimate, also a heavy yielder with a lemon taste.

Finally, we leave you with a few images from some satisfied customers.

Dutch Joe

(ps Find Dutch Passion on Facebook Facebook )

drying buds, heavy ones too

frost frost frost.  The Ultimate offers strength and yield

2 Comments. Leave new

  • James Jay
    03/09/2020 00:23

    JJ here from Ontario Canada, I’m growing a Ultimate this year 2020 and when I read the plants specifics It growing spec said 1.5 m. Well I’m growing in a 25 gallon soft pot and my Ultimate is around 3m. It’s so big I’m stretching on a 6’ ladder and I still can’t reach the top. Good work D-P now I know why people love this Strain.


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